(a)   Purposes. This section is enacted to promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the township by preventing, correcting and preserving the integrity of buildings and parts of buildings and, as an indirect result, maintaining neighborhood qualities. It is not the intent of this section to apply these requirements to the standards which are a basis for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy required by these codified ordinances.
   (b)   General standards.
      (1)   Structural members. All supporting structural members of all structures shall be kept structurally sound, free of deterioration and maintained capable of safely bearing the dead and live loads imposed upon them.
      (2)   Exterior surfaces. Every foundation, exterior wall, roof and other exterior surface shall be maintained in a workmanlike state of maintenance and repair and shall be kept in such a condition as to exclude rats.
      (3)   Foundation walls. All foundation walls shall be maintained so as to carry the safe design and operating dead and live loads and shall be maintained plumb and free from open cracks and breaks, so as not to be detrimental to public safety and welfare.
      (4)   Exterior walls. Every exterior wall shall be free of holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards or timbers and other conditions which might admit rain or dampness to the interior portions of the walls or to the occupied spaces of the building. All exterior surface materials, including wood, composition or metal siding, shall be maintained weather-proof and shall be properly surface-coated when required
to prevent deterioration.
      (5)   Roofing and drainage.
         A.   The roof shall be structurally sound and tight and shall not have defects which might admit rain. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent rain water from causing dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the building.
         B.   Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a nuisance to owners or occupants of adjacent premises or that creates a public nuisance.
      (6)   Chimneys and towers. All chimneys, cooling towers, smoke stacks and similar appurtenances shall be maintained structurally safe, sound and in good repair. All exposed surfaces of metal or wood shall be protected from the elements and against decay or rust by periodic application of weather-coating materials, such as paint or similar surface treatment.
      (7)   Door hardware. Every exterior door and its hardware shall be maintained in good condition. Door locks on all doors entering dwelling units shall be in good repair and capable of tightly securing the door.
      (8)   Basement hatchways. Every basement hatchway shall be substantially constructed and maintained so as to prevent the entrance of rats, rain and surface drainage water into the structure.
   (c)   Boarding of windows, doors and portals in damaged buildings.
      (1)   In order to preserve, protect and maintain the community’s health, safety, general welfare and ambiance, buildings damaged by an act of God or fire resulting in damaged windows, doors or other portals must immediately be protected by boarding for a period of time, not to exceed 30 calendar days, upon approval of the Building Inspector or any other individual appointed by the township. At the expiration of such period of time, the window, door or other portal must be completely restored with an appropriate functioning door or window.
      (2)   In all other instances where windows, doors or other portals have been subject to damage or destruction, immediate temporary covering or boarding will only be permitted for a period of time, not to exceed five working days, upon approval by the Building Inspector or any other individual appointed by the township. At the expiration of such period of time, the window, door or other portal shall be restored with an appropriate functioning door or window.
      (3)   The Building Inspector or any other individual appointed by the township, in his or her discretion, may extend the permitted period of time where it can be determined that uncontrollable circumstances warrant such an extension.
   (d)   Accessory structures; attachments.
      (1)   Every accessory structure, including detached garages, sheds, storage buildings, walls and fences, shall be maintained structurally sound and appropriately protected from deterioration by the elements
      (2)   All canopies, marquees, awnings, stairways, fire escapes, stand-pipes, exhaust ducts, air conditioners, parapets and similar overhead extensions and building attachments shall be maintained in good order and repair and shall be properly anchored so as to be kept in a safe and sound condition. They shall be appropriately protected from the elements and against decay and rust by the periodic and timely application of a weather-resistant coating material, such as paint.
(Ord. 635, passed 1-20-1988)