(a)   Motor vehicles, trucks, boats. No person shall permit the continuous parking or storage on his or her property of wrecked, disabled, junked, stripped or partially dismantled motor vehicles, trucks, boats or other kinds of vehicles unless such parking or storage is authorized in connection with the operation of a business pursuant to the zoning laws and regulations and other laws of the township.
   (b)   Storage of immobile vehicles in garages. No person shall permit a motor vehicle to remain upon any private property, unless it is in connection with the operation of a business permitted by the zoning laws and regulations, in a condition that it cannot be moved under its own power or put in such condition within eight hours; nor shall any person permit a motor vehicle to remain upon any private property without a current inspection sticker and license tag upon it, unless in either of these circumstances the same is parked, stored or kept in a garage upon such property.
   (c)   Jacked-up vehicles. No person shall permit a motor vehicle to remain upon any private property in a jacked-up position or condition with any of the wheels removed or any of the wheels off the ground for any period of time unattended except in a garage upon such property.
   (d)   Notice to owners. If the Police Department or other authorized agent of the township finds that a violation of this section exists, the Department or the agent shall notify the owner of the property on which the vehicle is stored or parked, or the owner of the vehicle, or both, of the violation, and order either or both of such owners to remove the vehicle within five days thereof, or any other reasonable time as the conditions warrant, and if the same is not then removed the owner shall be in violation of this section.
   (e)   Mode of notice. Notice shall be given by personal service or registered mail to the last known address of the violator. In the event that, on diligent search, the address of either the property owner or the vehicle owner cannot be ascertained, the posting of the notice or copies thereof on the real property, vehicle, structure or area immediately adjacent thereto shall constitute sufficient notice. If the vehicle with respect to which the notice has been given is not removed within the time allotted, then the Board of Township Commissioners may cause the same to be done and collect the costs thereof, together with penalty of 10% of such costs, in the manner provided by law for the collection of municipal claims or by an action in assumpsit or they may seek relief by a bill in equity.
   (f)   Emergency powers. Nothing in this section shall prevent duly authorized police officers from removing from private property, without notice, any attended or unattended vehicle, the presence of which constitutes a hazard or threat to the life, health, safety, welfare and morals of the residents of the township and which is imminently dangerous, and, in the opinion of the authorized police officers, constitutes a nuisance which gives rise to the existence of emergency conditions.
(Ord. 812, passed 12-17-2003)