In addition to the permit application requirements normally required under this Building Code, the Building Inspector shall require the following specific information to be included as part of the application for a building permit:
(a) A plan which details the:
(1) Existing and proposed contours and/or elevation (in relation to mean sea level, i.e., the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) of the ground and the lowest floor of the proposed construction;
(2) One-hundred-year flood elevations;
(3) Other associated factors such as pressures and impact forces and the like;
(4) Storage elevations;
(5) The size of the structures;
(6) The location and elevations of streets and water supply and sanitary facilities;
(7) Soil types; and
(8) Floodproofing measures, including specific reference to the level of the floodproofing in relation to the 100-year flood.
(b) A document, certified by a registered professional engineer or registered architect, which states that the proposed construction has been adequately designed to withstand the flood depths, pressures, velocities, impact and uplift forces and other hydrostatic, hydrodynamic and buoyancy factors associated with the 100-year flood. Such statement shall include a description of the type and extent of floodproofing measures which have been incorporated into the design of the structure.
(Ord. 529, passed 7-15-1981)