There are established the following fees for the issuance of permits relating to one, two and three family dwellings:
(a) Permit Required. No person shall commence to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, improve, or convert any structure or building in the Village or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining from a Building Inspector of the Village, a permit to do such work. Alter and improve as explained in Ohio R.C. Chapter 3781.
(b) Fees. All fees shall be computed on a square foot per floor basis, including basements and sub-basements, measuring the outside dimensions at each floor level, except where a fixed, base fee has been established. The following fees are hereby established relating to new building construction:
(1) One-family residential. Three hundred dollars ($300.00) for the first 2000 square foot plus ten dollars ($10.00) per each additional or part of 100 square feet above 2000 square foot including garage and basement per house.
(2) A. Two family residential. Four hundred dollars ($400.00) for the first 2000 square foot plus ten dollars ($10.00) per each additional or part of 100 square foot above the 2000 square foot including the garage and basement per house.
B. Three family residential. Five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the first 2000 square foot plus ten dollars ($10.00) per each additional or part of 100 square foot above the 2000 square foot including the garage and basement per house.
Residential permit package includes structure, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, patio or deck (if called for on plans), roofing, siding window and exterior doors and concrete (driveway and sidewalk) inspections.
Room additions: One hundred dollars ($100.00) plus ten dollars ($10.00) per or part of 100 square foot.
Garages: Fifty dollars ($50.00) plus ten dollars ($10.00) per or part of 100 square foot.
(3) Accessory building; garage or shed. Fifty dollars ($50.00) for any structure that is 200 square feet or greater, whether attached to or detached from an existing structure. Less than 200 square feet and not permanently anchored, no permit required.
(4) Porch and/or deck with or without roof. Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for any porch with no roof or any deck that is over 30 inches high requires a permit regardless of size or all porch, deck, patio, with a roof.
(5) Electrical permit for service upgrade. Fifty dollars ($50.00).
(6) Electrical permit for new temporary service. Fifty dollars ($50.00).
(7) Electrical permit for new electric meter service. Fifty dollars ($50.00).
(8) Commercial structures. Any alterations of buildings or additions subject to the Ohio Basic Building Code Occupancy Chapters shall require a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) fee.
(9) Ohio Building Code. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Ordinance 2018-02 authorizes the update of Village building fees in accordance to Rule Number 4101:7- 7-01.
A. To adopt the Ohio Board of Building Standards Rule Number 4101:7-7-01 Title Fees, Exhibit Attached.
B. This section will allow any future Ohio Board of Building Standards Fee structure change to be adopted unless the Village Council of Ashville acts.
(Ord. 2018-02. Passed 3-20-18.)
(10) Demolition.
Commercial Fees
A. $500 per structure plus $10 for every 100 square feet (example if 103 sq. ft. round up to 200 sq. ft.)
B. Board of Building Standards (BBS) Fee (3% of Subtotal)
C. Pickaway County Fee (10% of subtotal) - excludes incorporated areas.
Residential Fees
A. House $200.00 per structure
B. Garage $100.00 per structure
C. Board of Building Standards (BBS) Fee (1% of Subtotal)
(11) Signs.
A. $50 per basic building sign.
B. $35 electrical inspection fee.
C. $85 commercial building sign fee.
(Ord. 2008-01. Passed 1-22-08; Ord. 2018-07. Passed 5-21-18.)
(12) Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters; Driveways. No person shall construct, repair or relay a sidewalk, curb, gutter or driveway approach, or make a curb cut, without first applying for and obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector, and shall, at the time the permit is issued, pay a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). This fee shall include two inspections. Any additional inspection required or requested shall cost twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The actual homeowner doing the repair will be exempt from paying any fees for sidewalks, curbs and gutters; drives. They will be responsible for submitting an application for inspection.
(Ord. 2008-11. Passed 12-15-08.)