(a)   No operator of any motor vehicle, including but not limited to any commercial vehicle, shall use, implement or actuate any device which utilizes the compression of the vehicle’s engine or its exhaust to slow said vehicle, including but not limited to any device known or referred to as an engine brake, compression release brake, transmission brake, or exhaust brake.
   (b)   This section shall not apply to emergency vehicles of the City or any other political subdivision, ambulance service, clinic or hospital, while such vehicles are being used in providing emergency services to residents of the City.
   (c)   Street signs bearing the words “NO ENGINE BRAKES” shall be installed at appropriate locations in the City as determined by the City Manager.
   (d)   A violation of subsection (a) hereof, shall be a minor misdemeanor upon a first offense, and a fourth degree misdemeanor upon a second or subsequent violation within one year of the date of conviction of a prior offense.
(Ord. 2008-87. Passed 6-16-08.)