The AHPC's duties and authority shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
   (a)   Approve or deny an application for a certificate of appropriateness regarding any change, demolition, construction, preservation, restoration, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of any building or accessory structure within its jurisdiction. Such approval shall be required in addition to all other permits applicable to the property.
   (b)   Make recommendations to the City Council and to representatives of historic districts regarding amendments to this chapter and with respect to other legislation affecting historic districts or landmarks.
   (c)   Periodically review and recommend changes to City Council as needed to the procedures for evaluating applications for certificates of appropriateness found in Chapter 1187 of the Codified Ordinances.
   (d)   Conduct or cause to be conducted a continuing survey of cultural resources in the community, according to the guidelines established by the State Historic Preservation Office.
   (e)   Act in an advisory role to other officials and departments of local government regarding the protection of local cultural resources.
   (t)    Act as a liaison on behalf of the local government to individuals and organizations concerned with historic preservation.
   (g)   Conduct or encourage members to attend educational sessions at least once a year or an in-depth consultation with the Ohio Historic Preservation Office pertaining to the work and functions of the AHPC or on specific historic preservation issues.
   (h)   Commission may adopt design guidelines to assist in design review.
   (i)   Work toward the continuing education of citizens within the City of Ashtabula regarding historic preservation issues and concerns.
   (j)   Maintain a system approved by the State Historic Preservation Office for the survey and inventory of historic properties.
      (1)   A detailed inventory of the designated districts, sites, and/or structures under the specific jurisdiction of the City shall be maintained.
      (2)   All inventory material shall be maintained securely and accessible to the public, except that access to archaeological sites may be restricted. The forms utilized shall be approved by the State Historic Preservation Office, and duplicates shall be made available to the State Historic Preservation Office.
      (3)   Inventory procedures and forms shall be updated periodically to reflect changes, alterations and demolitions.
   (k)    Review applications for designation as a historic landmark or historic district according to the procedures and criteria in this chapter. The AHPC shall seek appropriate expert advice when considering a National Register nomination and other actions, such as actions related to an archaeological site, which are normally evaluated by a professional, if that discipline is not represented on the AHPC. The AHPC may pursue methods of obtaining such expertise from academic and other sources, and may pursue sharing expert resources with other communities.
   (1)    Perform those duties and exercise the authority granted in Chapter 1137 and/or Chapter 1187 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Ashtabula, Ohio.
   (m)    The AHPC may enter into agreements with the State Historic Preservation Office to undertake additional responsibilities, with the consent of the City Council.
      (Ord. 2019-88. Passed 8-5-19.)