(a)    After the effective date of this chapter, no person shall operate or maintain a marina without a license issued by the Board of Health of the City of Ashtabula.
   (b)    Between March 1 and March 30 of each year, every person proposing to operate an existing marina shall apply for and obtain a license to operate such marina from the Board of the Health of the City of Ashtabula. Upon sale or disposition of a marina, a licensee may, upon consent of the Board of Health, have the license transferred to another person. A license may not be transferred more than once per licensing year.
   (c)    Written application for a license shall be submitted to the Board of Health on an application form prescribed by the Board of Health. Each license issued shall be effective from the first day of April, or if issued after April first, from the date the license was issued, through the last day of March of the following year. A fifty dollar ($50.00) late fee will be assessed for any application received after April 1st.
   (d)    Any fee for the license required by this Codified Ordinance shall be determined in accordance with Section 3709.09 of the Revised Code. In determining the amount of the license fee, the Board of Health shall use the categories established by paragraph (e) of this Section and the cost methodology described in section 3701-36-14 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC). All portions of the fee shall be retained and used by the Board of Health for purpose of administrating and enforcing this codified ordinance.
   (e)    The license fees established by the Board of Health for marinas shall be based on the total numbers of moorings available for use at the marina in accordance with the following categories:
Total number of moorings:
5 – 24
25 – 59
60 – 149
150 – 299
300 – 499
500 or more
   (f)    In addition to the fees established by the Board of Health under paragraph (e) of this Chapter, the Board of Health may specify fees for the collection and bacteriological examination of any necessary water samples taken from a marina.
   (g)   Interim Fees: the following interim licensing fees are hereby established and shall continue in effect until and unless the Board of Health establishes different fees:
5 – 24 moorings
25 – 59 moorings
60 – 149 moorings
150 – 299 moorings
300 – 499 moorings
500 + moorings
(Ord. 2012-08. Passed 1-17-12.)