(a) Window Area and Ventilation.
(1) Every habitable room shall have at least one window which can be easily opened facing directly to outdoor open space. The minimum total window area, measured between stops, for every habitable room shall be ten percent (10%) of the floor area of such room, unobstructed by any portion of structure or wall less than five feet from the outside of such window.
(2) Windows and other openings required for ventilation shall have an aggregate openable area of at least forty-five percent (45%) of the glazed area required for lighting.
(b) Screening.
(1) Every outer door, openable window or other outside opening of a dwelling shall be supplied with screen doors with self-closing devices or with screens for protection against flies, mosquitoes, or other insects when required by the Housing Inspector. When doors or windows open onto a screened porch or breezeway, screens may not be required if the enclosed area is adequately screened and well-maintained to prevent entry of insects.
(2) Every basement or cellar window used for ventilation, and every other opening to a basement or cellar which might afford an entry for rodents, shall be barred with strong screen of no larger than one-quarter inch mesh or such other usual device as shall prevent entry when required by the Housing Inspector.
(c) Electrical Outlets. Every habitable room shall contain at least one floor or wall type electric convenience outlet and one ceiling electric lighting fixture, or two electric convenience outlets. Every water closet compartment, bathroom or hall, furnace room, or laundry room shall contain at least one wall or ceiling type electric light fixture. Every electrical outlet and fixture shall be properly installed and maintained in good and safe working condition, and connected to an approved source of electric power in a safe, approved manner.
(d) Public Hall Lighting. Every public hall and stairway in every multiple dwelling shall be lighted to at least one footcandle on the floor and stair at all times.
(e) Heating Facilities. Every dwelling shall have heating facilities which are properly installed and vented, are maintained in safe operating condition, and are capable of heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms, and water closet compartments in each dwelling unit therein to a temperature of at least seventy degrees Fahrenheit at a distance of three feet above floor level when the outside temperature is zero degrees Fahrenheit.
(1980 Code 150.71.)