Any professional or business activity, except those listed in Section 1163.03 as not suitable as a home occupation, is permitted in a dwelling unit as a home occupation only where such a use in a dwelling unit meets all of following criteria:
(a) The home occupation shall not exceed 15 percent of the floor area of the primary structure.
(b) Other that those related by blood, marriage or adoption, not more that one person may be employed in the home occupation.
(c) Inventory and supplies shall not occupy more than 50 percent of the area permitted to be used as a home occupation.
(d) There shall be no exterior display or storage of goods on said premises.
(e) Home occupations involving beauty shops or barber shops shall require a conditional use permit.
(f) Sales and services to patrons shall be arranged by appointment and scheduled so that not more than three patron vehicles are on the premises at the same time.
(g) Two additional parking spaces shall be provided on the premises, except only one need be provided if the home occupation does not have an employee. Said parking shall comply with parking requirements set forth in Chapter 1149 of the City of Ashtabula Planning and Zoning Code.
(h) The home occupation will not endanger public health, safety, comfort, or general welfare.
(i) The home occupation will not produce objectionable noise, vibration, smoke, fumes, odor, hazardous or toxic substance, dust, glare, or physical activity.
(j) The home occupation will have no deleterious effect upon the use or enjoyment of any developed properties within the surrounding neighborhood and will not deter the orderly development and improvement of the surrounding properties.
Any use or occupation which does not meet the criteria set forth in this section may be permitted only in accordance with a conditional use permit issued by the City of Ashtabula Planning Commission.
(2004 Code)