District V shall consist of Main Avenue from West 44th Street to Collins Boulevard; and Center Street from Main Avenue to Elm Avenue; and Elm Avenue from Center Street to West 48th Street. Signs shall not be painted on walls of buildings. All external sources of illumination shall be shielded in such a way that only reflected light is visible. Animated or flashing lights are not permitted. No sign shall project above the roof of a building. Controls herein shall apply to all signs visible from the exterior of the building. All signs shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review for stylized conformity. Permitted signs are as follows:
(a) Hanging Signs. Hanging signs which extend over the public right-of-way may not extend more than eight feet from the building nor in case beyond a vertical plane two feet inside the curb line. All hanging signs shall maintain at least ten feet from grade level to the bottom edge of the sign. No sign may be wider than six feet and no higher than four feet with an overall surface of twenty-four square feet. No flashing or neon signs shall be permitted.
(b) Wall Signs. To be erected no more than one foot away from the building.
(1980 Code 153.155; Ord. 7713)