Bounded on the North by the center line of the portion of U.S. Route 20 located between the west municipal corporate limits line of said City of Ashtabula and the center line of the north-south railroad right-of-way commonly referred to as the Norfolk Southern line;
Bounded on the East by the following: Commencing at the point of intersection of the south municipal corporate limits line with the center line of Knollwood Avenue;
Thence northerly along the center line of Knollwood Avenue to its point of intersection with the center line of West 58th Street;
Thence westerly along the center line of West 58th Street to its intersection with the center line of Washington Avenue;
Thence northerly along the center line of Washington Avenue to its point of intersection with the centerline of West 54th Street and with the center line of the foregoing north-south railroad right-of-way;
Thence northerly along the center line of said railroad right-of-way to its point of intersection with the center line of U.S. Route 20;
Bounded on the South by the portion of the south municipal corporate limits line located west of the point of intersection of the center line of Knollwood Avenue with said municipal corporate limits line; and
Bounded on the West by the portion of the west municipal corporate limits line located south of U.S. Route 20. (Ord. 2012-190. Passed 12-17-12.)