1950 Code Sec. Description
554 Fisk St. Vacation, provided a street 50 feet wide between Fisk and Center Sts. is dedicated.
584 W. Prospect St. curb lines established.
585 Lake St. curb lines established..
586 Park of Belknap Ave.
587 Part of Front St.
588 Part of 2nd St.
589 Elk St., parts of Front and 2nd Sts. and all the alleys in Blocks 50 and 49 lying north of Lot 2.
590 Parts of Beaver and 2nd Sts.
591 2nd St. in Fargo Allotment.
592 Part of High St.
593 Part of Kurtz St.
594 Alley south of Baker St.
595 Part of Griswold St.
596 Street from Griswold to Frederick Sts. and parts of Frederick St., Benefit St., and Haskell Ave.
597 Part of Water St.
598 Part of Walnut St.
599 Part of Chestnut St.
600 Part of Catherine Alley.
1950 Code Sec. Description
601 Part of Pennsylvania Ave.
602 Part of W. 45th St.
603 Part of Perry St.
604 Benefit Pl.
605 Douglass St.
606 Alley south from Layman Ave.
607 Part of Russel St.
608 Kurtz St.
609 Part of Topper Ave.
610 Part of Lake St.
611 Alley between Martel and 1st Sts.
612 Oak Alley.
613 Buffalo St.
614 W. 28th St. between Humphrey Ave. and NYC RR.
615 Alley running east from Madison Ave., thence south and parallel with Madison Ave.
616 Part of E. 14th St.
617 Part of Main Ave. (Mill Hill)
618 Alley in McCreery Plat running north from W. 6th St.
619 Part of W. 24th St. and an alley in Ecorse Plat.
Ord. No. Date Description
3674 2-13-50 W. 46th St. from Benefit Ave. to westerly limits.
3693 5-8-50 W. 37th St. (aka Rockwell St.) from Station Ave. to NYC RR.
3861 6-2-52 W. 10th and W. 11th Sts. in the Norwood Subdivision.
3934 12-1-52 Parts of Norman Ave. and W. 11th St.
4001 8-10-53 Land vacated at the intersection of Coyne Ave., W. 10th St and Morton Dr.
4018 9-14-53 Alley west of Lake Ave. and running partially between W. 3rd St. and Walnut Blvd.
4033 10-19-53 Beckwith St. between W. 13th and W. 15th Sts.
4039 11-2-53 W. 8th St. between Allen and Lyndon Aves.
4450 2-25-57 Part of E. 4th St.
4642 7-14-58 May, Lee, Arc, and Roe Sts.
4738 1-26-59 E. 10th St.
4887 1-18-60 W. 10th St. from Allen to Union Aves.
4888 1-18-60 Alley east of Lot 49 from W. 30th St. to Griswold Rd.
4952 7-11-60 Alley between Lyndon and Allen Aves.
4977 9-6-60 Parts of W. 30th and W. 31st Sts.
5070 7-17-61 Alley in Fargo City Allotment No. 5.
5139 1-29-62 Holden Ct. in Hillcrest Allotment No. 2.
5187 5-28-62 Alley in Fargo City Allotment Nos. 1 and 2.
5188 5-28-62 Alley between Lyndon and Myrtle Aves.
5233 10-29-62 Parts of Michigan Ave. and W. 18th St.
5265 2-11-63 W. 51st St. from Kain to Woodman Aves.
5278 3-25-63 Alley between Lyndon and Allen Aves.
5672 8-2-65 Certain streets or portions thereof in connection with Prospect Rd. overpass.
5711 12-6-65 W. 54th St. from Madison Ave. to P.Y. & A. RR.
5824 8-29-66 Parts of Front Ave. and Ferry Dr. at Ashtabula Harbor.
Ord. No. Date Description
5852 12-27-66 Part of Vivian Ct.
5908 6-26-67 Part of West 59th St., Madison Ave. and George Pl.
5969 11-27-67 10 foot alley in the W.H. Brown Plat south of W. 16th St. between Allen and Norman Aves.
5971 11-27-67 Lee Ct. between E. 13th and E. 14th Sts.
5974 12-4-67 Ferraro Ct.
6082 9-23-68 Part of Woodman Ave. right-of-way in the R.W. Griswold Plat.
6096 11-12-68 Southerly part of alley known as Collins Ct. in the Town Plat.
6103 12-9-68 Part of an alley 30 feet wide parallel with Harbor and Hawthorne Aves. extending from E. 19th to E. 21st Sts.
6118 1-20-69 Part of an alley 30 feet wide parallel with Dock and Hawthorne Aves. extending from E. 19th to E. 21st Sts.
6149 3-10-69 Part of E. 4th St. as shown in Ford's Addition to the Hoyt and Munsell Plat.
6187 5-12-69 Part of W. 50th St. between Dunsmore Ave. and Aden Ct.
6216 7-22-69 Part of Taylor St.
6230 9-2-69 Parts of Beech Alley and Oak Alley.
6352 6-9-70 Part of W. 54th St. as shown on the S.H. Parsons Plat.
6606 11-9-71 10 foot alley between Norman and Allen Aves.
6803 12-5-72 20 foot alley in the George H. Cross Plat.
6837 2-13-73 Part of E. 15th St. from SR 11 to Garfield Ave.
6947 8-21-73 Front Ave. from E. 5th St. northerly.
6947 8-21-73 10 foot alley in the Patch Tract south of and parallel with E. 45th St. and east of State Ave.
7001 12-17-73 An alley of E. 20th St. to south of E. 22nd St. east of Harbor Ave.
Ord. No. Date Description
7048 2-11-74 Parts of Main Ave.
7049 2-11-74 Parts of Center St.
7050 2-12-74 Alleys or easements in Urban Renewal Project Area R-86.
7072 3-25-74 Alleys or easements in Urban Renewal Project Area R-86.
7200 10-7-74 An alley east of McKelvey Ave. and parallel with E. 23rd St. and E. 24th Sts.
7200 10-7-74 E. 24th St. abutting southerly property line of the East Ashtabula Club.
7693 12-27-76 Part of Adams Ave.
7802 4-25-77 Part of Valley View Blvd.
7877 8-8-77 An alley between Cleveland Ave. and W. 41st St.
7972 1-23-78 Amendment to Ord. 25, passed 8-24-03, a part of 2nd St. in Fargo City Allotments.
8010 3-27-78 Parts of Pennsylvania Ave., Grant Ave., and W. 17th St.
8262 3-19-79 Alley from west Foster Ave., to east line of Penn Central Transportation Company right-of-way and along south lines of Lots Q, R, S and T in the Fisk Plat.
8390 8-27-79 Scott Ave. south of E. 18th St. and north of the 30 feet "Plat" alley.
8409 9-24-79 Property located at 1326 W. 30th St.
8566 6-9-80 Alley between East 6th St. and East 17th St. and East 7th Street and extending from Nelson Ave. and Maruba Ave., vacated.
8631 9-29-80 Alley between Birchwood Ave. and Valleyview Blvd.
8796 7-20-81 Vivian Court south of West 30th Street to dead end.
9200 1-17-83 A portion of West 17th Street from Ohio Ave. to Pennsylvania Ave.
9317 5-2-83 A portion of McKelvy Ave. and East 26th St.
9334 5-23-83 A portion of McKelvy Ave and East 25th St.
Ord. No. Date Description
9658 2-27-84 A 30 foot alley located at 715 East 23rd St.
10079 3-28-85 A 20 foot alley located at 529 Front St.
10238 9-23-85 Grant Ave. between West 16th Street and West 17th St.
11901 11-2-87 Franklin Ave. between Walnut Blvd. and West 1st St.
11156 1-25-88 A piece of City property, north of Walnut Blvd. on the easterly side of the Highland Beach area.
11720 9-5-89 A part of the north-south running alley (30 feet in width) south of East 24th St. and east Harbor Ave.
1991-93 4-1-91 A portion of West 18th Street bounded on the south by Lots 37-43 and part of Lot 36 of the Midway Plat, being 40 foot wide.
1991-197 7-29-91 .08 acres located on W. 46th St. from Foster Ave. to railroad property.
1995-44 3-20-95 A portion of Harmon Rd.
1998-88 8-2-99 A portion of West 54th St.
1999-89 8-2-99 165 feet of West 59th St.
1999-142 12-6-99 A portion of Morton Dr. (0.041 acres), part of Original Lot 5, Twp. 13, R.3.
2000-98 8-7-00 Alley behind Garfield Ave.
2002-43 5-13-02 Right-of-way (alley) between residential addresses of 1627 W. 6th St. and 1623 W. 6th St.
2002-62 6-17-02 Right-of-way (alley) south of 2230 Harbor Ave.
2002-95 9-16-02 30-ft. alley north of 1725 Scott Ave.
2003-91 10-20-03 Lambros Lane.
2004-36 6-7-04 East 7th Street between Route 11 and Harmon Road (between Lots 38 and 84 through 88 of the Pierce and Jaques Plat).
2004-37 6-7-04 16 foot of the alley between Lots 84 through 88 and Lots 90 through 95 of the Pierce and Jaques Plat).
2004-53 6-21-04 Rodgers Street, also known as Rodgers Place.
Ord. No. Date Description
2005-65 8-1-05 10 foot Alley in Block 1 of George H. Cross Subdivision (Alley between West 12th Street and West 13th Street, between Michigan Avenue and Lake Avenue).
2005-66 8-1-05 Property located in an alley behind Lots 134 through 147 of the Bunker Hill Subdivision No. 2, being 16 feet wide and approximately 316.3 feet long. Also described as a 16 foot alley running between West 63rd Street, Boyd Street, Edwards Avenue and Hiram Avenue.
2005-102 11-21-05 The real property/alley located between Lots 8 to 14, and 39 to 46, East Marion Court, further described as a 10 foot alley in the Round House Addition Plat at Volume 5, Page 8, Ashtabula County/City, Ohio Plat Map/Records, the same being approximately 320 feet in length.
2006-43 3-20-06 All alleys east of State Route 11 and East 7th Street located between State Route 11 and the Corporate Limit Boundary of the City; all alleys east of State Route 11 and east of East 7th and East 8th Streets located between State Route 11 and the Corporate Limit Boundary of the City; and East 15th Street and East 16th Street from State Route 11 to the Corporate Limit Boundary Line of the City.
2007-29 3-19-07 (1) All alleys located east of State Route 11; (2) those portions of East 7th Street, East 8th Street, East 15th Street, East 16th Street, and Holmes Street located between State Route 11 and the corporate limit boundary of the City of Ashtabula, Ohio; and (3) that portion of Brookdale Avenue located between the southerly boundary of East 8th Street (now vacated) and the southerly boundary of East 7th Street (now vacated) at the Northwest corner and the northerly boundary of East 7th Street (now vacated) at the Northeast corner.
2007-102 9–4-07 Alley located in the Hubbard plat and recorded on December 8, 1874 by Truman Reeves, Recorder.