(a)   No person shall make any excavation, trench or other opening in any portion of any street, alley or other public right-of-way including sidewalk and treelawn area, or tunnel under such right-of-way, without first obtaining a permit from the City Engineer prior to the commencement of any work.
   (b)   An applicant for such permit shall file an application with the City Engineering Department forty-eight hours prior to the beginning of the work unless work is of an emergency nature then application shall be made within the next working day. The period of time allowed for closing of the opening shall be governed by its size and nature but in no case shall exceed thirty days.
   (c)   When paving of any kind or curb, sidewalk, driveway or lawn area has been disturbed by authority of the permit, the holder of the permit or his agents shall make permanent repairs at his, her or its cost and expense. The permittee is required to notify the City Engineer of the exact date upon which the opening is to be made and also upon completion of the permanent repairs at which time a final inspection of the work shall be made.
   (d)   If the permittee at any time fails to maintain the work as required, the City Engineer shall immediately notify the permittee. If, after notification, the permittee fails to commence the repair forthwith, the City Engineer shall have the right to cease the repairs to be made and the cost billed to the permittee. In any event, if an exceedingly dangerous condition is found, the City Engineer may make emergency repairs, the cost of which shall be billed to the permittee.
(1980 Code 93.01; Ord. 8682)