The City of Ashtabula shall deny any application for a permit to operate a massage establishment or revoke a previously issued permit for any of the following reasons:
(a) Falsification of any of the information required for the application or failure to fully complete the application;
(b) Failure to cooperate with any required health or safety inspection;
(c) Any one of the persons named on the application is under the age of eighteen;
(d) Any one of the persons named on the application has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any violation of Ohio R.C. Chapter 2907, or violation of any municipal ordinance, in Ohio, that is substantially equivalent to any offense contained in Ohio R.C. Chapter 2907 within five years preceding the application;
(e) Any masseur or masseuse employed at the licensed massage establishment has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of Division (D) of Ohio R.C. 503.42.
(Ord. 2003-04. Passed 1-6-03.)