The City Manager or any employee so designated by him, and every police officer shall enforce the following regulations:
   (a)   (1)   For ranges where rifles of no more than twenty-two caliber and bullets having no greater velocity than 1,200 feet per second are used, the backstop behind each target shall be at least one-fourth inch steel boiler plate, having a minimum width of four feet for each firing point, slant forward at an angle of not less than thirty degrees with the floor, but of rigid construction, and at least six feet high from the floor.
      (2)   For ranges where pistol and rifle shooting is done and bullets having no greater velocity than 1,200 feet per second are used, the backstop shall be of at least three-eighths inch steel boiler plate and extend the full width and height of the room, and the ceiling above the range from a point over the head of the shooter and for a distance of ten feet in the direction of the target shall be one-fourth inch steel plate. However, if the ceiling is of concrete or brick construction the City Manager may waive this requirement of steel for the ceiling.
      (3)   There shall be provided a one-foot sand trap at the bottom and directly in front of the backstop, the full width of the range.
   (b)   No person under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics shall be permitted to handle or discharge any firearms on a private range; nor shall any person under the age of eighteen be permitted to handle or discharge firearms on any private range unless done under adult supervision.
   (c)   All doors, gates and entrances leading into that part of the premises between the firing point and backstop shall be securely locked, and no person shall be permitted therein, at all times when persons are engaged in shooting.
   (d)   There shall be, at all times, proper and adequate ventilation of all private ranges.
   (e)   (1)   Every private range holding a permit shall have a registration book for members, and a registration book for guests, and each day that a member or guest uses the range, he or she shall register under the proper date, name, address and the club to which they belong, in the respective book for that purpose.
      (2)   Every gun club shall keep a current roster of the names and addresses of its officers and members. Such books shall be subject at all times to examinations by the persons designated herein to enforce the regulations provided for in this chapter.
   (f)   No rifles other than twenty-two cailber, rim fire shall be used in private ranges permitted under this chapter.
   (g)   The storage of common powder shall be in conformity with all provisions of the Codified Ordinances.
   (h)   No permit issued under this chapter shall be transferred from one gun club to another gun club.
   (i)   The City Manager shall have the right to make such further regulations not inconsistent herewith as he deems necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter, and the City Manager shall have the right, at his discretion, to revoke any permit issued by him pursuant to the authority of this chapter. Every permit issued hereunder shall expire June 30 of each year and shall be renewed for the ensuing year at the office of the City Manager.
      (Ord. 10000. Passed 1-14-85.)