The City Manager and any person or persons designated by him, and every police officer shall enforce the following regulations:
(a) The backstop behind the target shall be made rigid; extend the full width of the room and extend forward at an angle which in the opinion of the Police Division officer in charge of ordnance section is adequate to protect the employees and the public from bullet ricochet.
The sides of the room shall be protected by steel boiler plate of a thickness satisfactory to the City Manager and shall extend from the floor not less than ten feet. There shall be provided a six-inch sand trap at the bottom and directly in front of the backstop, the full width and depth of the same.
However, where the room is surrounded by walls of heavy masonry, the City Manager is hereby empowered to modify the above regulations.
(b) No owner, operator or attendant shall permit any person under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics, or any person under the age of sixteen years to handle or discharge any firearms upon the premises, except a person under the age of sixteen years may handle or discharge firearms thereupon, if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
(c) No firearm discharging a cartridge at a velocity exceeding 2,200 feet per second shall be permitted.
(d) All doors, gates and entrances leading into part of the premises between the firing point and the backstop shall be securely locked, and no person shall be permitted therein, at all times while persons are engaged in shooting, or have access to the firearms used.
(e) No shooting gallery shall be located nearer than 200 feet of any church or hospital.
(f) All firearms, including the sights thereon, shall be kept at all times in first class condition, and the adjustment and blackening of sights shall be permitted.
(g) The ammunition used shall be consistent with the manufacturer's specifications of the equipment used, and a copy of the specifications shall be filed with the City Manager.
(h) Such shooting gallery shall be open to the public only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
(i) The shooting gallery shall be properly and adequately ventilated at all times.
(j) No gambling shall be permitted upon the premises licensed as a shooting gallery, but this shall not be construed to prevent the offering of prizes for marksmanship. All paper targets used shall be of a quality and texture of paper to be prescribed by the City Manager.
(k) In addition to the foregoing, the City Manager is hereby empowered to make such further regulations not inconsistent herewith, which may from time to time be required for the protection of the public safety and welfare.
(Ord. 10000. Passed 1-14-85.)