Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
Providing for the issuance of $4,650,000 of special obligation notes (school building revenue bond anticipation renewal notes) and of $4,650,000 of special obligation bonds (school building revenue bonds) to provide funds to retire $4,580,000 face amount of City of Ashland (Kentucky) school building revenue bond anticipation refunding notes, series of December 1, 1982, and providing and determining the duty of said city, in connection with the operation of the school properties and the creation of funds sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said revenue bonds as and when they mature and the creation of an adequate maintenance and insurance fund.
Authorizing the issuance of $625,000 industrial building revenue bonds (Daniel's Home Bakery, Inc. project) the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Daniel's Home Bakery, Inc. to finance the acquisition, renovation and equipping of an industrial building located within the city.
Providing for the issuance of $8,500,000 of school building revenue bonds to provide funds to retire $4,650,000 face amount of City of Ashland (Kentucky) school building revenue bond anticipation renewal notes, series of 1985, (which had provided interim financing of the Verity School project), and to provide funds to finance the cost of constructing two new school buildings to be known as Hager Elementary School and Oak View Elementary School.
Authorizing the issuance of $650,000 industrial building revenue bonds (First American Bank project) the proceeds of which shall be loaned to First American Bank to finance the acquisition of land and the construction, renovation and equipping of an industrial building designed for revitalization and redevelopment of a downtown business district.
Authorizing the issuance of $10,000,000 pollution control revenue bonds, series 1986 (Ashland Oil, Inc. project) for the purpose of making a loan to assist Ashland Oil, Inc. in the financing of costs of pollution control facilities.
Authorizing the issuance of $15,000,000 pollution control revenue refunding bonds, series 1987 (Ashland Oil, Inc. project) for the purpose of refunding a $15,000,000 portion of pollution control revenue bonds, series 1982 of the city previously issued in the aggregate principal amount of $72,000,000 for the purpose of making a loan to assist Ashland Oil, Inc. in the financing of costs of pollution control facilities.
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of $8,000,000 principal amount of city utilities revenue bonds of 1987, for the purpose of financing the costs (not otherwise provided) of the construction of extensions, additions, and improvements to the combined and consolidated municipal waterworks and sewer system.
Authorizing the issuance of $36,000,000 adjustable tender pollution control revenue refunding bonds (Ashland Oil, Inc. project), series 1988A, for the purpose of refunding two prior issues of revenue bonds issued by the city in the aggregate principal amount of $36,000,000 to make loans to assist Ashland Oil, Inc. in the financing of costs of pollution control facilities or to refund a prior issue of revenue bonds issued for that purpose.
Authorizing and approving $1,565,000 tax increment revenue bonds (West Ashland Redevelopment Area project), 1988 series A and $685,000 tax increment revenue bonds (West Ashland Redevelopment Area project), 1988 series B of Ashland Capital Projects Corporation.
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of $4,635,000 principal amount of city utilities revenue refunding bonds of 1991, for the purpose of refunding $5,620,000 of city utilities revenue bonds of 1985 previously issued for the purpose of financing the costs (not otherwise provided) of the construction of extensions, additions, and improvements to the combined and consolidated municipal waterworks and sewer system; providing for the call and redemption on April 1, 1991 of the bonds of 1985 providing for said bonds to rank on a parity with the outstanding $3,210,000 of city utilities refunding revenue bonds of 1978, the bonds of 1978, and the outstanding $8,000,000 of city utilities revenue bonds of 1987.
Authorizing the issuance of $20,000,000 solid waste revenue bonds, series 1991 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project) for the purpose of making a loan to assist Ashland Oil, Inc. in the financing of costs of pollution control facilities and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement providing for the payment of, and a trust indenture securing, those bonds.
Authorizing commitment letter and economic development bond grant agreement with the state Cabinet for Economic Development, state Property and Buildings Commission, the Economic Development Corporation and Corbin, Ltd. in the amount of $300,000.
Authorizing the issuance of $30,000,000 pollution control refunding revenue bonds, series 1992 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project) for the purpose of refunding the remaining outstanding principal portion of the city pollution control revenue bonds, series 1982 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project); and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement providing for the payment of, and of a trust indenture securing, those bonds.
Amending Ord. 73-1992 by changing the date and final maturity of and interest payment dates for those bonds.
Authorizing the issuance of $33,400,000 pollution control refunding revenue bonds, series 1993 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project) for the purpose of refunding the $27,700,000 pollution control refunding revenue bonds, series 1985 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project) and $5,700,000 principal amount pollution control revenue bonds, series 1986 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project); and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement providing for the payment of, and of a trust indenture securing, those bonds.
Amending certain of the provisions of the industrial building revenue bonds (Ashland Area Young Men's Christian Assoc., Inc. Project) in the original principal amount of $650,000; and authorizing the execution of certain other related documents.
Authorizing the issuance of a floating indebtedness funding bond; approving a form of bond; authorizing execution, filing, payment, security of bond and related documents; creating a sinking fund; making certain federal income tax covenants; authorizing acceptance of the bid of the bond purchaser for the purchase of the bond.
Authorizing the issuance of $55,000,000 sewage and solid waste revenue bonds series 1995 (Ashland Inc. Project) for the purpose of making a loan to assist in the financing of costs of pollution control facilities.
Authorizing a first amendment to the loan agreement dated October 1, 1991, with Ashland Oil, Inc. relating to the City’s $20,000,000 solid waste revenue bonds, series 1991 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project).
Approving the amendment of the indenture of trust dated December 1, 1983, and the loan agreement dated December 1, 1983, securing the City’s economic development revenue bonds (Ashland Plaza Hotel Project), series 1983.
Authorizing the issuance of $10,000,000 pollution control refunding revenue bonds, series 1996 (Ashland Inc. Project) for the purpose of refunding the $10,000,000 pollution control revenue bonds, series 1986 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project) dated July 1, 1986.
Authorizing the execution of a first amendment to the loan agreement dated February 1, 1995, with Ashland Inc. relating to the City’s $55,000,000 sewage and solid waste revenue bonds, series 1995 (Ashland Inc. Project).
Authorizing the issuance of $10,000,000 taxable solid waste revenue notes, series 1996 (Ashland Inc. Project) for the purpose of making a loan to assist Ashland Inc. in the financing of costs of pollution control facilities.
Providing for the issuance of its cultural and recreational development revenue bonds, series 1998, (Ashland Area Young Men's Christian Association, Inc. Project) in the amount of up to $800,000 for the construction and equipping of cultural and recreational facilities including a new youth entrance and lounge, expansion of the fitness forum, the addition of an aerobic studio and the installation of an elevator for handicapped patrons, located at 3232 13th Street.
Authorizing the issuance of two million six hundred sixty-five thousand dollars ($2,665,000) general obligation public project refunding and improvement bonds, series 1999.
Authorizing the issuance of thirty-six million dollars ($36,000,000) pollution control refunding revenue bonds series 1999 (Ashland Oil, Inc. Project).
Authorizing and approving the call for optional redemption of $1,600,000 principal amount of Utilities Refunding Revenue Bonds of 1978 and $1,625,000 principal amount of Utilities Revenue Bonds of 1987.
Approving amendments to financing documents related to the issuance of floating rate Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, Series 1983; authorizing release of a guaranty agreement and execution of a remarking agreement; approving delivery of an alternate letter of credit and providing an effective date.
Establishing the rules, regulations and conditions for the issuance of water and sewer system revenue bonds and providing for the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of the water and sewer system.
Authorizing the issuance of $8,220,000 principal amount of water and sewer system revenue refunding and improvement bonds, series 2004.
Authorizing the issuance of general obligation public project bonds, series 2005 in the aggregate principal amount of $3,290,000.
Authorizing a municipal road and bond fund agreement between the city and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Transportation Cabinet, Department of Intergovernmental Programs accepting all streets therein which are a part of the city for bituminous resurfacing.
Authorizing the issuance of $4,945,000 principal amount of water and sewer system revenue refunding bonds, series 2013.
Authorizing the issuance of $3,620,000 principal amount of water and sewer system revenue bonds, series 2014.
Authorizing the issuance of general obligation refunding bonds, series 2015, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,915.000.
Authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds, series 2017, in an aggregate principal amount of approximately $4,635,000, which may be increased or decreased by up to $465,000.
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Authorizing the issuance of $10,500,000 principal amount of water and sewer system revenue bonds, Series 2020A.
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Authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds, series 2021A, in the approximate aggregate principal amount of $12,750,000, subject to a permitted adjustment increasing principal amount by up to $1,275,000 or decreasing the principal amount by any amount.