(A)   The storage and the sale of fireworks must be conducted in accordance with any only in areas permitted for storage and/or retail sales under the city zoning ordinance.
   (B)   Consumer fireworks sold shall be limited to those as described by Kentucky Revised Statutes.
      (1)   No person, firm, partnership, corporation or other business entity shall offer for sale, expose for sale, sell at retail, keep with the intent to sell, possess, use or explode any display fireworks, except as authorized in KRS 227.710.
      (2)   The Fire Chief may grant permits for supervised public displays of fireworks with such public displays handled by a competent display operator. All public displays must comply with the provisions of KRS 227.710 and no permit shall be approved without documentation that the display has been approved by the State Fire Marshal. The permit shall be valid only for the specific authorized public display event, shall be valid only for the designated permittee and shall not be transferable.
   (C)   The storage and the sale of consumer fireworks within the city must be made within the confines of a temporary structure and such storage and sale of consumer fireworks shall not be within or from any permanent structure.
   (D)   The storage and the retail sales of consumer fireworks shall comply with all federal and state rules and regulations.
   (E)   All persons involved in the storage and the sale of consumer fireworks must be 18 years of age or older.
   (F)   Sales of fireworks shall not be made to any who is not at least 18 years of age at the time of the sale.
   (G)   There shall be fire extinguishers on the premises where fireworks are stored and/or sold pursuant to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1 (NFPA 1: Fire Code) and 101 (NFPA 101: Life Safety Code).
   (H)   There shall be a functioning telephone on the premises wherever consumer fireworks are stored or sold and the telephone shall be easily accessible at all times for the purpose of calling the Fire Department or summoning any other needed assistance.
   (I)   There shall be no smoking permitted on the premises where consumer fireworks are stored or offered for sale and appropriate “No Smoking” signs shall be conspicuously displayed on the premises.
   (J)   There shall be no storage or sale of consumer fireworks within any of the residential zones as defined in the city zoning ordinance.
   (K)   Anyone storing consumer fireworks or offering consumer fireworks for sale shall obtain a city business privilege license and shall conspicuously display same on the premises at all times.
   (L)   The storekeeper or vendor of fireworks shall maintain a current inventory control sheet which shall be kept on the premises and available for inspection at all times.
   (M)   There shall be no storage or sale of consumer fireworks on premises which sell gasoline or petroleum products.
   (N)   There shall be no sleeping accommodations within the premises where consumer fireworks are stored or offered for sale and no one shall be allowed to sleep within the premises.
   (O)   The premises where consumer fireworks are stored or offered for sale shall be available for reasonable inspection at all times by designated authorities of the city.
   (P)   There shall be no storage or sales of consumer fireworks within 100 feet of any gasoline storage tanks or gasoline dispensing pumps.
   (Q)   All advertising of consumer fireworks for sale shall conform with the city sign ordinance and the city zoning ordinance.
(Ord. 34-2015, passed 3-26-15; Am. Ord. 155-2018, passed 11-15-18)