§ 111.15 HEARING.
   Should the applicant or licensee request the City Administrator to hold a hearing, the general practice procedures found in the Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply as shall the following:
   (A)   Appearances. Any applicant or licensee may appear and be heard in person, or by or with duly appointed attorney, and may produce under oath evidence relative and material to matters before the Board.
   (B)   Briefs. Briefs may be filed at the option of the applicant or licensee or at the request of the City Administrator.
   (C)   Rules of evidence. The rules of evidence governing civil proceedings in courts in the Commonwealth of Kentucky shall govern hearings before the City Administrator; provided however, that the hearing officer may relax such rules to the degree in his/her judgment, the ends of justice will be served by doing so.
   (D)   Subpoenas. The City Administrator shall have subpoena power for such hearings and shall issue same at request of the applicant made with names and addresses of those desired to be subpoenaed.
   (E)   Transcript. Upon request in advance, in writing, and at the cost of the applicant or licensee the hearing may be transcribed.
   (F)   Decisions. All decisions made by the City Administrator resulting from such hearing shall be reduced to writing and shall be based upon the evidence developed at the hearing, and applicable law.
(Ord. 8, 2021, passed 1-28-21)