(A)   This chapter, including the official zoning map, is based upon, and is intended to implement, the Comprehensive Plan. Before any zoning map amendment is granted, the Planning and/or City Commission must find that the map amendment is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan or, in the absence of such a finding, that one or more of the following apply (such findings shall be recorded in the minutes and records of the Planning Commission and/or City Commission.):
      (1)   That the original zoning classification given to the property was inappropriate or improper.
      (2)   That there have been major changes of an economic, physical, or social nature within the area involved which were not anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan and which have substantially altered the basic character of the area.
   (B)   In addition to division (A) above, the Planning Commission and City Commission shall review proposed zoning ordinance and map amendments with respect to sound land use planning principals and may approve or reject an amendment on such grounds.
(Ord. 101-1986, passed 10-7-86)