Regulations on cemetery grounds/lots shall be as follows:
   (A)   No person shall have any use of or title to any lot until the same is paid in full, unless expressly permitted by the Cemetery Board and Board of City Commissioners. Ownership is the right of burial and memorialization. It is not the ownership of a piece of real estate. Burial rights may be considered as a limited easement on real estate for a specific purpose: the interment of human remains.
   (B)   Lots shall not be used for any purpose other than as a place of burial for the deceased and the erection of monuments to their memory.
   (C)   A standard interment burial site may contain up to 40 square feet and shall be used only for the remains of one person. Second Right of Interment, the right to bury one cremains on an existing burial site is permitted with prior approval by Parks and Recreation Director. No pets or animals of any description may be buried on a lot.
   (D)   No person may open or close a burial site or place the cremains of a deceased person on a burial site. Scattering of all cremains within the cemetery is prohibited. All openings and closing shall be performed by the cemetery personnel.
   (E)   All charges for opening and closing shall be made prior to burial. A family member or designated person shall pay the opening and closing expenses, sign the interment form and inspect the grave site prior to burial.
   (F)   All trees, shrubs, plants and flowers designed to be planted on burial lots must first be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval. If any trees or shrubs situated on any lot shall by means of their roots, branches or otherwise become detrimental to adjacent lots, avenues, lanes or paths, or dangerous to passengers, it shall be the duty of the cemetery personnel to enter upon the lot and remove. Use of all types of gravel is prohibited.
(Ord. 35-2011, passed 3-17-11)