It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the city, to plant, set out, or maintain any trees or shrubbery on public or city property within the city. All shrubbery heretofore planted and now standing on city property shall be removed by the person owning the private property abutting and adjacent thereto within ten days after having been duly notified so to do by the office of the City Manager. Live, growing, and mature trees now located on city property which do not constitute an impairment of visibility in the operation of traffic at intersections shall be permitted to remain so long as the trees do not constitute a menace to the public safety, and in no event shall any such live, growing, and mature trees be removed without the consent of the Park Board.
('83 Code, § 99.02) (Ord. 20-1954, passed 9-24-54) Penalty, see § 98.99