§ 37.116 SCOPE.
   (A)   This investment policy applies to all financial assets held directly by the city. These financial assets are accounted for in the city's annual audit, the city's annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (C.A.F.R.) and include all moneys in the following funds:
      (1)   General Fund
      (2)   Utility Fund
      (3)   Municipal Aid Road Fund
      (4)   Community Development Block Grant
      (5)   Planning and C.D.B.G. Grant Fund
      (6)   Urban Development Action Grant (U.D.A.G.)
      (7)   Section 8 Housing Program
      (8)   Mod Rehab Program 1 Fund
      (9)   Mod Rehab Program 2 Fund
      (10)   Voucher Program Fund
      (11)   Floodwall Operating Fund
      (12)   Downtown Improvement Fund
      (13)   Ashland Bus System
      (14)   Recreation Operating Fund
      (15)   Police & Fire Pension Fund
      (16)   Utilities Employees Pension Fund
      (17)   Employees Health Insurance Fund
      (18)   Ashland Tennis Center
      (19)   Capital Purchase Improvement Fund
      (20)   Any new fund created by governing body
   (B)   Financial assets of the entity held and invested by trustees or fiscal agents are excluded from these policies; however, such assets shall be invested in accordance with state laws applicable to the investment of local government funds and in accordance with the city's primary investment objectives.
(Ord. 169-1994, passed 12-15-94)