   The regulations hereinafter set forth in this chapter qualify or supplement the district regulations appearing elsewhere in this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 24-66. Passed 4-5-66.)
   (a)    The height regulations as prescribed in this Zoning Code shall not apply to the following named structures or other structures that project in the air, except where the height of such structure will constitute a hazard:
      (1)    Church spires.
      (2)    Belfries.
      (3)    Monuments.
      (4)    Tanks.
      (5)    Water towers.
      (6)    Fire towers.
      (7)    Stage towers or scenery lofts.
      (8)    Cooling towers.
      (9)    Ornamental towers and spires.
      (10)    Chimneys.
      (11)    Elevator bulkheads.
      (12)    Smokestacks.
      (13)    Conveyors.
      (14)    Flagpoles.
      (15)    Radio and television towers, antennae or aerials.
   (b)    Public and semipublic or public service buildings, hospitals, institutions or schools, when permitted in a district, and churches and temples may be erected to a height not exceeding ninety feet, subject to additional yard regulations of Sections 1153.04 and 1155.04.
   (c)    Buildings used exclusively for storage purposes may exceed the maximum number of stories that are permitted in the district in which they are located; provided, however, such buildings shall not exceed the height permitted in such district.
(Ord. 24-66. Passed 4-5-66.)
   (a)    Where dwelling units are erected above commercial and industrial structures in business, office and industrial districts, no side yards are required except as such side yard as may be required in the district regulations for a commercial or industrial building on the side of a lot adjoining a residential district.
   (b)    More than one main institutional, public or semipublic, commercial or industrial building may be located on a lot or tract, provided no such building or portion thereof is located outside the buildable area of the lot.
   (c)    On double frontage lots the required front yard shall be provided on each street.
   (d)    Where the main building on any lot in a R-A or R-S Residential District has been erected prior to the enactment of Ordinance 4114, passed November 12, 1957, additions to such building may be erected provided that the side yards shall have a combined width of not less than twelve feet, and provided that no side yard shall have a width of less than five feet.
   (e)    Where a corner lot in any business or industrial district abuts upon a lot in any residential district, the side yard of the corner lot shall not be less than one-half of the required front or side yard on the lot in the residential district.
   (f)    On corner lots in any R-L; R-A; R-S; R-M; S-U; B-1; B-3; and M-1 District, no fence or vegetation shall be allowed or maintained within twenty feet of the intersection of the street property lines which would obstruct clear traffic visibility within the limits of three feet and ten feet above the curb grade. In the event of any conflict of opinion, the City Police Chief shall determine whether any fence or vegetation interferes with traffic visibility or is an obstruction.
   (g)    Fences placed in any district in the required front yards or sideyards adjoining a side street, shall not exceed three feet in height. Fences in residential districts shall in no case exceed six feet in height.
   (h)    Whenever a lot abuts upon or adjoins an alley, one-half the alley width may be considered as a portion of the required rear or side yard.
(Ord. 24-66. Passed 4-5-66.)
   (a)   Temporary buildings that are used in conjunction with construction work only, may be permitted in any district during the period that the construction work is in progress, but such temporary buildings shall be removed upon completion of the construction work.
   (b)   Use restrictions shall not apply to towers which accommodate antennas for the reception of radio and television broadcast signals, radio dispatch systems located on the same property and as an accessory to a permitted use, citizen band systems, and amateur radio systems, provided any such systems are duly licensed and operated under rules by the Federal Communication Commission where required.
(Ord. 75-95. Passed 11-7-95.)