(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to haul, carry, or in any other manner transport solid waste into the city from outside the city for the purpose of leaving or depositing such solid waste for collection by city forces. A violation of this division is punishable as a misdemeanor.
   (B)   For the purpose of interpreting and applying this section, the term SOLID WASTE, in addition to including any materials that are collected by the city's Environmental Services Department and regulated elsewhere in this chapter, is defined as any hazardous or nonhazardous garbage, refuse, sludge, and any other material that has served its original intended use and has been discarded.
   (C)   If nonhazardous solid waste transported into the city in violation of this section is left for collection by or with the acquiescence of an otherwise lawful customer of the city's Environmental Services Department, and such solid waste would be subject to collection but for the fact it was transported into the city in violation of this section, the otherwise lawful customer who placed or acquiesced in the placement of such solid waste for collection shall be billed for the collection of the illegally placed solid waste in the same manner and to the same extent as customers billed for improperly placed waste material under the provisions of § 51.22(A)(5) and § 51.22(E) of this chapter. If the illegally placed solid waste can be collected without the use of a knuckle boom truck, the charge for the collection services will be based on the amount of solid waste actually collected and how many scoops would have been required to remove such a quantity of solid waste if a knuckle boom truck had been used.
   (D)   Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, recyclable materials transported to a recycling collection point/facility and solid waste transported to the city's transfer station are permitted so long as such materials are delivered and unloaded in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, specifically including without limitation the regulations governing the operations of the recycling center(s) and/or the city's transfer station.
(‘69 Code, § 9-7) (Ord. passed 10-5-50; Am. Ord. 22 ORD 8-12, passed 8-9-12; Am. Ord. 36 ORD 12-21, passed 12-9-21) Penalty, see § 51.99