All persons using water from a source other than the city water supply system or using water sold by the city, and who own property connected to the city sewer system, shall pay a sewer service charge of 100% of the amount of the charges for water as if the water had been furnished by the city. The owner of any such property or his or her legal representative, except as hereinafter provided, shall install and maintain without cost to the city a meter or meters to measure the quantity of water received from any such source and discharged into the city sewers. Such meter or meters shall be installed only under the supervision of and in accordance with the plans and specifications of the city. Whenever in the opinion of the Water Resources Director it is not practical or is unduly expensive to install meters or measuring devices, as aforesaid, he or she shall estimate and determine, in such manner and by such method as he or she may prescribe, the quantity of water received from any source other than the city water supply system or water sold by the city and which is discharged into the city sewer system.
('69 Code, § 23-64) (Ord. 177, passed 7-14-47; Am. Ord., passed 1-5-50; Am. Ord. 57 ORD 11-07, passed 11-8-07; Am. Ord. 42 ORD 9-09, passed 9-10-09)