A.   Procedures: If a law enforcement officer discovers a clandestine drug laboratory or arrests a person for having on any property chemicals or equipment used in manufacturing methamphetamine, ecstasy, or any other controlled substance or a derivative of methamphetamine, ecstasy, LSD or any other controlled substance, the law enforcement officer shall:
      1.   At the time of the discovery or arrest, deliver a copy of the notice of removal pursuant to subsection B of this section to the owner of the property if the owner is on the site at the time of delivery, or to the on site manager if the manager is on the site at the time of delivery, or to the on site drop box if available. In the case of a tenant owned unit in a mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park, the officer shall deliver a copy of the notice of removal to the occupant of the unit if the occupant is on site at the time of delivery and to the on site park landlord if the park landlord is on site at the time of delivery.
      2.   If the owner or the owner of a mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park or their agent for service is not personally provided a copy of the notice of removal under the procedures of subsection A1 of this section, then within ten (10) city business days after the discovery or arrest, the law enforcement officer shall mail the notice of removal by certified mail to the owner of the property and the owner's on site manager or, in the case of a mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park, to the owner of the mobile home or recreational vehicle, if applicable, and to the park landlord. These persons are deemed to have received the notice of removal three (3) days after the notice is mailed.
      3.   If the owner or the owner of a mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park cannot be identified, the notice of removal may be posted on any conspicuous place in or upon the property pursuant to subsection A6 of this section.
      4.   The notice of removal shall also be sent to the following:
         a.   The Artesia water department.
         b.   The Artesia fire department.
The law enforcement officer shall complete an affidavit of service and of any posting of notice on the property.
      5.   After a law enforcement or other agency removes the gross contamination on the property, a law enforcement officer shall order the removal of all persons from the residually contaminated portion of the property or dwelling unit, or, in the case of a mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park, from the unit located on the property.
      6.   After the law enforcement officer removes all persons pursuant to subsection A5 of this section, the law enforcement officer shall affix the notice of removal in a conspicuous place on the property or, in the case of a mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park, on the unit located on the property.
   B.   Notice: The notice of removal shall be in writing and shall contain all of the following:
      1.   The following shall be printed in large bold type at the top and bottom of the notice:
Substandard Building. Do Not Enter. Unsafe To Occupy.
      2.   A statement that it is unlawful for any person other than the owner, landlord, manager, law enforcement, an industrial or environmental hygienist firm and/or a drug laboratory site remediation firm to enter the residually contaminated portion of the property until the owner remediates the residually contaminated portion of the property, or in the case of a mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park, the unit located on the property.
      3.   A statement that a clandestine drug laboratory was seized or a person was arrested on the property for having chemicals or equipment used in the manufacturing of methamphetamine, ecstasy, LSD or any other controlled substance on the property.
      4.   The date of the seizure or arrest.
      5.   The address or location of the property, including the identification of any dwelling unit, room number, apartment number or vehicle identification number.
      6.   The name of the law enforcement agency or other agency that seized the clandestine drug laboratory or made the arrest and the agency's contact telephone number.
      7.   A statement that hazardous substances, toxic chemicals or other waste products may still be present on the property or, in the case of a mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park, in the unit located on the property.
      8.   A statement that the failure to remediate the residual contamination pursuant to the cleanup of clandestine drug laboratory sites ordinance is punishable by imprisonment up to ninety (90) days and/or a fine up to five hundred dollars ($500.00).
      9.   A statement that disturbing the notice of removal posted on the property is punishable by imprisonment up to ninety (90) days and/or a fine up to five hundred dollars ($500.00).
      10.   A statement that the owner of the property shall remediate the residually contaminated portion of the property in compliance with subsection C of this section.
      11.   A statement that if an owner fails to provide any notice required by this section, the owner is subject to penalty and a buyer, tenant or customer may void a purchase contract, rental agreement or other agreement related to the property.
   C.   Remediation By Owner: The owner of the property shall remediate the residually contaminated portion of the property by retaining an industrial or environmental hygienist firm to pretest the property to determine the extent of the contamination and the nature of the required remediation. When the industrial or environmental hygienist firm determines that remediation is required, the owner shall retain a drug laboratory site remediation firm to conduct the remediation. The industrial or environmental hygienist firm and the drug laboratory site remediation firm shall be separate and unaffiliated business entities. Both firms shall be approved by and currently registered with the Artesia police during the time they participate in the remediation of residual contamination. The owner shall retain the industrial or environmental hygienist firm and the drug laboratory site remediation firm within thirty (30) days from the day of delivery of personal service of the notice of removal or within thirty five (35) days of the date the notice of removal is mailed by certified mail or posted on the property. Remediation shall be completed in accordance with the standards for remediation of residual contamination approved by the Artesia police department within sixty (60) days of the day of delivery of personal service of notice to the owner or within sixty five (65) days of the date notice is mailed by certified mail to the owner.
   D.   Remediation Procedures: An industrial or environmental hygienist firm and the drug laboratory site remediation firm retained to remediate the residually contaminated portion of any property pursuant to this section shall comply with the best practices and standards for remediation of residual contamination as approved by the Artesia police department. The industrial or environmental hygienist firm shall notify the owner whenever the firm determines that any structure requires remediation of contamination as required in this section. The owner shall send such notification of required remediation of contamination to the Artesia police department. Within one city working day after the remediation is complete, the drug laboratory site remediation firm shall notify the Artesia police department and the industrial or environmental hygienist firm that the property is ready for final inspection. After inspection by the industrial or environmental hygienist firm and approval by the Artesia police department, the industrial or environmental hygienist firm shall issue a final clearance document certifying that remediation of the residually contaminated portion of the property was completed pursuant to the standards for remediation of residual contamination and shall deliver the certification document or send the document by certified mail, or by personal service to the owner. The owner shall provide a copy of the certification of completed remediation to each person and entity listed in subsection A4 of this section, the city's chief building official, and the law enforcement agency that issued the notice. After the final clearance document has been issued, both of the following apply:
      1.   The owner, landlord, lien holder or manager of the property is not required to comply with subsection G of this section.
      2.   Any person may thereafter use, enter, occupy, rent or sell the property. The issuance of the document certifying that remediation of the residually contaminated portion of the property was completed pursuant to the standards for remediation of residual contamination shall be a prerequisite for a certificate of occupancy to be issued by the city.
   E.   Contaminated Vehicles: If gross contamination is removed from a vehicle, the notice of removal required in subsection B of this section shall be sent by certified mail to the owner and lien holder of record of the vehicle, if any exists. Impounded vehicles containing residual contamination shall not be released to the owner or lien holder until the remediation has been completed and paid for by the owner or lien holder. Remediation shall be accomplished by following the same procedures as set forth in subsection D of this section. "Remediation costs" as defined in subsection J of this section shall be in addition to any other towing, storage, or other impoundment fees.
   F.   Record Retention: The city shall maintain and make available on request all notices of removal and any documents that are created pursuant to subsection D of this section. A retention schedule for such documents shall be established by the city clerk.
   G.   Notice To Buyers And Occupants: The following notice requirements apply until the remediation is complete as provided in subsection D of this section:
      1.   Within five (5) days after a buyer signs a contract to purchase property, the owner shall notify the buyer in writing that methamphetamine, ecstasy, or any other controlled substance was manufactured on such property or that an arrest, as described in subsection A of this section, was made. The buyer shall acknowledge receipt of the notice. A buyer may cancel the purchase contract within five (5) days after receiving the notice without liability. If the owner does not comply with this subsection G1, the buyer may void the purchase contract.
      2.   Landlords and their agents shall provide written notice to all prospective tenants for dwelling units that the dwelling unit was the subject of a notice of removal, as described in subsections A and B of this section, that methamphetamine, ecstasy, or any other controlled substance was manufactured on the property or that an arrest, as described in subsection A of this section, was made. The tenant shall acknowledge receipt of the notice before taking possession of the property or before signing a rental agreement for the property. The notice shall be attached to the rental agreement. If the landlord or their agent does not comply with this subsection G2, the tenant may void the rental agreement. For purposes of this paragraph, "dwelling unit" shall include, but not be limited to, mobile homes and recreational vehicles.
      3.   Before a customer occupies a room that was the subject of the notice of removal, as described in subsection A of this section, the owner or manager shall notify the customer in writing the room was the subject of a notice of removal as described in subsections A and B of this section, that methamphetamine, ecstasy, LSD or any other controlled substance was manufactured in the room or that an arrest, as described in subsection A of this section, was made. The customer shall acknowledge receipt of the notice before taking possession of the room and before signing a room rental agreement. If the owner or manager does not comply with this subsection G3, the customer may void the agreement.
      4.   Owners are required to notify all agents selling, leasing or renting property that is the subject of a notice of removal that such property is the subject of a notice of removal. When a sales, leasing or rental agent is notified that the property is the subject of a notice of removal, such agent shall notify in writing all prospective buyers, tenants or other occupants about the notice of removal and manufacture of methamphetamine, ecstasy, LSD or any other controlled substance on the property or that an arrest, as described in subsection A of this section, was made on the property. Notice shall be made in the same manner as required of the owner in this subsection G.
      5.   When a law enforcement officer has ordered the removal of all persons from property pursuant to this chapter, owners, landlords and their agents shall continue to be subject to the requirement to not permit people to occupy such property. Compliance with this subsection shall under no circumstances eliminate the requirement that the property not be occupied.
   H.   Mobile Home Or Recreational Vehicle Space Rental Parks: If a mobile home or recreational vehicle in a space rental park contains a clandestine drug laboratory, the landlord of the park, on receipt of a notice pursuant to subsection A of this section, shall notify the owner and lien holder of record of the unit to remove the unit from the park within thirty (30) days. This provision shall not apply when the owner of the contaminated mobile home or recreational vehicle is also the owner of the mobile home or recreational vehicle space rental park in which such contaminated mobile home or recreational vehicle is located. If the unit is not removed within thirty (30) days, the landlord of the park shall remediate the contamination following the requirements set forth in subsections C and D of this section.
   I.   Restitution To Owner: A person who operates a clandestine drug laboratory and who is not the owner of the property shall pay restitution to the owner of the property for all costs that the owner incurred to remediate the property and, in the instance of a mobile home or recreational vehicle, the cost incurred by the owner of a space rental park for moving and/or remediating such property.
   J.   Remediation By City: If an owner of property, a vehicle owner, a vehicle lien holder or an owner of a mobile home or recreational vehicle space park, as described under subsection H of this section, fails to comply with the remediation of the residually contaminated property or portion of the property as required in this section, the city may remediate the residually contaminated portion of the property. If the city is unable to locate the owner within ten (10) days after the notice provided in subsection B1 of this section, the city may proceed with remediation. If the city remediates the contamination, the owner shall immediately pay to the city all costs related to such remediation. If the owner fails to pay the city for its costs of remediation, the city shall be entitled to file a lien against such property for all costs related to the remediation and additionally bring a personal action against the owner for such remediation costs and for foreclosure of the lien. "Remediation costs" shall include, but are not limited to, the expense for posting, physical security of the contaminated site, notification of affected people and notification of businesses or any other entity, expenses related to the recovery of costs, laboratory fees, cleanup services, costs for testing for residual contamination, removal costs, cost incurred for an industrial or environmental hygienist firm and a drug laboratory site remediation firm, and impoundment fees, reasonable attorney fees and any other expenses incurred by the city. When a contaminated vehicle is impounded, the vehicle shall not be released to the owner or a lien holder until remediation is completed and paid by the owner or lien holder and impoundment fees are paid by the owner or lien holder. Remediation costs for vehicles in which gross contamination is found shall include the costs for testing for residual contamination regardless of whether residual contamination is actually required to be remediated. The city or its contractors may remove any real or personal property as part of its remediation effort. (Ord. 745, 2-13-2007)