(A)   Any person operating taxicabs shall submit the name of the company at the time of applying for a license, and will operate under the name only.
   (B)   Every vehicle operated by the company shall have the name of the company painted or displayed on the taxicab in letters of suitable size so that the vehicle can be readily identified when in motion. The applicant for license shall be the bona fide owner of the vehicle.
   (C)   The name of each person owning or operating the vehicle shall be registered with the Clerk-Treasurer, together with the license number, description, make and model of the vehicle, and the date and record of inspections. This record shall be available to the public at any reasonable time.
   (D)   The licensee shall remain the owner of the vehicle during the term of the license.
(1996 Code, § 53.07) Penalty, see § 10.99