For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   PEDDLER or SOLICITOR. Every person who shall sell or offer for sale, goods, wares, or merchandise directly to a consumer by going from house to house for the purpose of selling such goods, or by selling such goods from a pack or vehicle, and every person who shall offer any goods, wares, milks, food stuffs, bread, vegetables, fruits, farm products or provisions, ice cream, candy, or sundries on any public road, street, square, or other place, shall be determined a PEDDLER or SOLICITOR.
   TRANSIENT MERCHANTS or ITINERANT MERCHANTS. All persons both as principals and agents who engage in, do, or transact any temporary or transient business in the town, by selling goods, wares, and merchandise, and who, for the purpose of carrying on such business, hire, lease, or occupy any room, building, vehicle, railway car, store, shop, vacant lot, parking lot, tent, or other structure for the exhibition and sale of goods, wares, and merchandise excepting those hereinafter exempted. Any person conducting a business as above set forth within the town for a period of less than 120 days in any calendar year shall be deemed TRANSIENT MERCHANT.
(1996 Code, § 50.01) (Ord. C378, passed 8-10-1925)