(A)   CB station operators shall transmit two-way plain language communications without codes or coded messages. Operating signals such as "ten codes" are not considered codes or coded messages.
   (B)   A CB station operator may transmit two-way plain language communication only to other CB station, the units of the operator's CB station or to authorized government stations on CB frequencies about:
      (1)   Personal or business activities of the operator or members of the operator's immediate family living in the operator's household;
      (2)   Emergencies;
      (3)   Traveler assistance;
      (4)   Civil defense activities in connection with official tasks or drills conducted by, or actual emergencies announced by, the civil defense agency with authority over the area in which the CB station is located;
      (5)   No person shall transmit one-way communications except for:
         (a)   Emergency communications;
         (b)   Traveler assistance;
         (c)   Brief tests (radio checks); or
         (d)   Voice paging.
      (6)   No person may use a CB station:
         (a)   For any activity which is against federal, state or local law;
         (b)   To transmit obscene, indecent or profane words, language or meanings;
         (c)   To intentionally interfere with the communication of another CB station;
         (d)   To advertise or solicit the sale of any goods or services;
         (e)   To transmit music, whistling, sound effects or any material to amuse or to entertain;
         (f)   To transmit any sound effect solely to attract attention;
         (g)   To transmit the word "Mayday" or any other international distress signal, except which the CB station is located in a vehicle, the occupants of which are threatened by grave and imminent danger and in need of immediate assistance;
         (h)   To communicate with, or to attempt to communicate with any CB station more than 155.3 miles away (250 kilometers);
         (i)   To advertise a political candidate or political campaign;
         (j)   To transmit a false or deceptive communication; or
         (k)   Transmit communications for live or delayed rebroadcast on a radio or television broadcast station.
(Ord. 05-06-06, passed 6-6-2005) Penalty, see § 96.99