Investment Policy
31.01 Policy
31.02 Scope
31.03 Prudence
31.04 Objective
31.05 Delegation of authority
31.06 Ethics and conflicts of interest
31.07 Authorized financial dealers and institutions
31.08 Authorized and suitable investments
31.09 Collateralization
31.10 Safekeeping and custody
31.11 Diversification
31.12 Maximum maturities
31.13 Internal control
31.14 Performance standards
31.15 Reporting
31.16 Marking to market
Ethical Conduct
31.30 Prohibited political activities
31.31 Gift ban
31.32 Exceptions
31.33 Disposition of gifts
Freedom of Information Policy
31.45 Definitions
31.46 Policy
31.47 Individual privacy protected
31.48 Public records available
31.49 Requests to be in writing
31.50 Fees
31.51 Time limit for compliance with request
31.52 Extension of time limit; notice
31.53 Unduly burdensome request
31.54 Certain information exempt from inspection and copying
31.55 Notice of denial of request; appeals
31.56 Granting of request; procedure for inspection
31.57 Written request not required for certain documents
31.58 Dissemination of information about public bodies
31.59 List of categories of records
Identity Theft Policy
31.75 Background
31.76 Purpose
31.77 Scope
31.78 Sensitive information policy
31.79 Additional identity theft prevention program
31.80 Responding to red flags
31.81 Periodic updates to plan
31.82 Program administration
Prevailing Wage Determination
31.90 Establishment of prevailing wage rate