(A)   Village employees shall not intentionally perform any prohibited political activity during any compensated time (other than vacation, personal or compensatory time off). Village employees shall not intentionally misappropriate any village property or resources by engaging in any prohibited political activity for the benefit of any campaign for elective office or any political organization.
   (B)   At no time shall any executive or legislative branch constitutional officer or any official, director, supervisor or village employee intentionally misappropriate the services of any village employee by requiring that village employee to perform any prohibited political activity:
      (1)   As part of that employee's village duties;
      (2)   As a condition of village employment; or
      (3)   During any time off that is compensated by the village (such as vacation, personal or compensatory time off).
   (C)   A village employee shall not be required at any time to participate in any prohibited political activity in consideration for that village employee being awarded any additional compensation or employee benefit, in the form of a salary adjustment, bonus, compensatory time off, continued employment or otherwise.
   (D)   A village employee shall not be awarded any additional compensation or employee benefit, in the form of a salary adjustment, bonus, compensatory time off, continued employment or otherwise, in consideration for the village employee's participation in any prohibited political activity.
   (E)   Nothing in this section prohibits activities that are otherwise appropriate for a village employee to engage in as a part of his or her official village employment duties or activities that are undertaken by a village employee on a voluntary basis as permitted by law.
   (F)   No person either in a position that is subject to recognized merit principles of public employment; or in a position the salary for which is paid in whole or in part by federal funds and that is subject to the Federal Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration applicable to grant-in-aid programs, shall be denied or deprived of village employment or tenure solely because he or she is a member or an officer of a political committee, of a political party or of a political organization or club.
(Ord. 04-08-06, passed 5-17-2004)