(A) The following salaries are hereby established for village officials:
(1) Mayor. The Mayor shall receive $100 per regular, $50 per special meeting and $10 per committee meeting.
(2) Trustees. The Village Trustees shall receive $80 per regular meeting and $20 per special meeting.
(3) Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall be paid an annual salary as provided in the appropriation ordinance.
(4) Village Treasurer. The Village Treasurer shall be paid an annual salary as provided in the appropriation ordinance.
(B) Likewise, the following stipends are hereby established for the following appointed positions:
(1) Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall receive $144 per year plus 25% of the permit fee.
(2) Zoning Chairman, Zoning Vice Chairman and Zoning Secretary. The Zoning Chairman, Zoning Vice Chairman and Zoning Secretary shall receive $25 per meeting.
(3) Zoning Members. The Zoning Members shall receive $20 per meeting.
(4) Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall receive $144 per year plus $35 per inspection.
(5) Plumbing Inspector. The Plumbing Inspector shall receive $144 per year plus $35 per inspection.
(6) Electrical Inspector. The Electrical Inspector shall receive $144 per year plus $35 per inspection.
(2001 Code, § 1-3-1) (Ord. 12-11-19-8, passed 11-19-2012; Ord. 18-09-17, passed 9-17-2018)