(A)   Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public, commercial, or private parking lot for other than single family dwelling shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements.
      (1)   Installation of curbs or wheel stops for parking stalls along the perimeter of the property to prevent any part of a parked motor vehicle from extending beyond the property line, overhanging a pedestrian walkway or sidewalk, or damaging any structure.
      (2)   Adjacent parking lots on internal parcels are encouraged to provide cross access connections and shared driveways whenever possible to minimize curb cuts off highways and collectors.
      (3)   Minimum distance and setback requirements. No part of any parking area for more than five vehicles shall be closer than 20 feet to any dwelling, school, hospital, or other institution for human care located on an adjacent lot, unless separated by an acceptably designed screen.
   (B)   Shared parking.
      (1)   Two or more non-residential uses may jointly provide and use parking spaces based upon their hours of operation, overlapping hours and amount of use, provided that the parking spaces that the proposed use(s) are within 300 feet of the principal structure.
      (2)   A shared parking agreement shall be filed with the application for a zoning permit. Shared parking agreements shall be reviewed by Legal Counsel and the Engineer and shall comply with the following criteria:
         (a)   If an office use and retail sales and service or two uses of the same type of use parking, the parking requirement for the retail sales and personal service use may be reduced by 20%, provided that the reduction does not exceed the minimum parking requirement for the office use.
         (b)   If a residential use shares parking with a retail sales or personal service other than lodging, restaurants and bars, or entertainment uses, the parking requirement for the residential use may be reduced by 30%, provided that the reduction does not exceed the minimum parking requirement for the retail sales and personal service use.
         (c)   If an office and a residential use share off-street parking, the parking requirement for the residential use may be reduced by 40%, provided that the reduction shall not exceed the minimum parking requirement for the office use.
         (d)   Shared parking based on hours of operation, daytime uses, or nighttime and Sunday only uses may share up to 80% of parking.
            1.   Daytime uses, operate anytime between the hours 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday only, include customer service and administrative offices, retail sales and services, wholesale, storage, and distribution uses, manufacturing uses and other similar primarily daytime uses, as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
            2.   Nighttime uses, operating anytime between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 or Sunday uses include auditoriums accessory to public or private schools, houses of worship, entertainment uses, restaurants and bars, or other similar nighttime or Sunday use as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
   (C)   Bicycle parking. Bicycle parking shall be required in accordance with § 152.048. As part of any site plan approval, the Engineer or Planning Commission may require additional bicycle parking if the nature of the business generates higher than required bicycle traffic.
   (D)   Surfacing and drainage. All drainage from a parking lot must be managed on site. No sheet drainage off the paved area will be permitted.
      (1)   Parking areas for more than five spaces shall be paved and curbed as directed by the Engineer. Any deviation from established drainage procedures shall require approval from the Planning Commission.
      (2)   In M-1 and M-2 Zoning Districts, the Engineer shall have the discretion to reduce paving and curbing for developments requiring five or less parking spaces that also utilize large storage and internal drive areas in addition to parking.
      (3)   A design drawing of the parking area and drainage must be submitted for approval before a zoning permit will be issued.
   (E)   Lighting.
      (1)   Commercial and industrial parking lots with more than five parking spaces are required to have lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining properties.
      (2)   Horizontal luminance shall have an average maintained one foot-candle with a minimum level of 0.25 foot-candle on the parking lot surface from dusk until termination of normal business hours
(Ord. 2022-25, passed 3-21-2022)