(A)   Parking and bicycle parking requirements.
Parking Spaces Required
Bicycle Parking
Parking Spaces Required
Bicycle Parking
Dwellings, including 1, 2 and 3 families
Two for each dwelling unit
Multi-family (per unit)
-   One for each studio or one-bedroom apartment
-   Two for each dwelling unit with two or more bedrooms and one guest parking spot for every five dwelling units
One per five dwelling units
Group home or residential care facility
One for every two sleeping rooms or suite and one guest space for every four sleeping rooms
One for each five members
House of Worship
One for each five seats in main auditorium
One per 2,000 square feet
School (except high school or college)
One for each ten seats in auditorium or main assembly room, or one for each classroom, whichever is greater
One per classroom
School, College, or high school
One for each eight seats in main auditorium or three for each classroom, whichever is greater
One per classroom
Community center, library, or museum
Ten plus one additional for each 300 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet
Two minimum, plus one for every additional 2,000 square feet
Bowling alley
Four for each alley
Two per five lanes
Community entertainment facilities
-   One for each 125 square feet of floor space
-   One for each 200 square feet if located within a multi-tenant building
One minimum plus one per additional 2,500 square feet
Commercial recreation facilities
One per four seats or 0.75 spaces per maximum occupancy
5% of required car parking
Medical office
One for each 200 square feet
One for every 10,000 square feet
One for each 50 square feet of floor space in individual funeral service rooms
Office, General
One per 300 square feet
One for every 10,000 square feet
One for each four beds
Hotel or Motel
One per sleeping room plus one per 400 sq. ft. meeting area and restaurant
Personal Services
-   One per 300 square feet
-   Parking requirements are reduced by one-half if located in the CBD, Central Business District, "Core" subarea   
One minimum plus one per additional 2,500 square feet
-   One parking space for every 3 seats or one per 100 square feet
-   Parking requirements are reduced by one-half if located in CBD, Central Business District, "Core" subarea   
One minimum plus one per additional 2,500 square feet
Retail Sales
-   One per 250 square feet
-   Parking requirements are reduced by one-half if located in CBD, Central Business District, "Core" subarea   
One minimum plus one per additional 2,500 square feet
Theater or auditorium
One for each five seats or bench seating spaces
One per 1,000 square feet or one per two employees for the maximum working shift, whichever is greater
Research and Testing
One per 500 square feet
Transportation, terminals, and storage (Wholesale Distribution)   
One per 1,000 square feet, plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles
   (B)   Interpretation. The following rules shall govern the determination of spaces required:
      (1)   Floor area. The gross floor area of the specified use.
      (2)   Fractional numbers shall be increased to the next whole number.
      (3)   The parking space requirement for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature.
   (C)   The Engineer shall have the discretion to reduce or increase the minimum number of parking spaces by 15%. Requests beyond this threshold require site plan approval by the Planning Commission.
   (D)   Accessible parking shall be required in compliance with the 2010 ADA Standards and any updates thereto.
   (E)   Change of use. Except when located within the CBD District, any change of use that increases the minimum number of required vehicle parking spaces as noted below, shall be required to comply with the requirements of the zoning code:
      (1)   More than ten parking spaces; or
      (2)   More than 25% of the parking spaces that currently exist on-site or on permitted off-site locations.
(Ord. 2022-25, passed 3-21-2022)