(A)   Plans and specifications. Prior approval of plans (subdivision, development, additions) by the town’s Plan Commission, entered in writing on the plat by the President and Secretary of the Commission and approval by the state’s Board of Health are required before any consideration of plans by the Town Council.
   (B)   Data. Plans and specifications will contain the following data:
      (1)   Subdivision name and location;
      (2)   Major thorough-fares related to the subdivision;
      (3)   Streets and rights-of-way on or adjoining the site;
      (4)   Easements - locations, widths and purposes;
      (5)   Utilities - including sanitary and storm sewers, water lines, gas mains and electric utilities. Size and capacity of each to be shown and the locations of or distance to each existing utility indicated;
      (6)   Zoning of the site and adjoining property;
      (7)   Layouts of the lots showing dimensions and numbers;
      (8)   Building setback or front yard lines;
      (9)   Names and addresses of owner, subdivider and engineer who prepared the plans;
      (10)   Certification by a registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor;
      (11)   Key plan, legend and notes; and
      (12)   Scale, north point and date
   (C)   Annexation of area to be served by extension of services. No sewer collection facilities will be extended, nor shall any connections be made, to the town municipal sewage system and no water distribution facilities will be extended nor shall any connections be made to the town municipal water system unless and until such area to which services will be extended is within the town limits or has agreed not to remonstrate against annexation proceedings, if ever they occur.
   (D)   Dedication. All lateral or interceptor sewers and ail water distribution lines to be connected directly or indirectly to the town’s sewer system and/or water distribution system shall at the owner’s or developer’s expense, be constructed and installed by the owner or developer to specifications approved by the town and after a period of five years, that date commencing with completion of said services, shall dedicate the water and sewer systems to the town along with all rights-of-way and easements relating to the water and sewer systems installed by the owner or developer. It shall be the owner’s or developer’s responsibility, during the five-year period, to maintain the water and sewer systems at their expense and the systems shall have an inspection by the town before acceptance of the dedicated systems.
(Prior Code, § 8:5:02)  (Ord. 82-44, passed 5-4-1983)