(A) The town adopts the following red flags to detect potential fraud.
(B) These are not intended to be all-inclusive and other suspicious activity may be investigated as necessary:
(1) Alerts, notifications and warnings from a credit reporting company:
(a) Fraud or active duty alerts included with consumer reports;
(b) Notice of credit freeze provided by consumer reporting agency;
(c) Notice of address discrepancy provided by consumer reporting agency; and
(d) Inconsistent activity patterns indicated by consumer report such as:
1. Recent and significant increase in volume of inquiries;
2. Unusual number of recent credit applications;
3. A material change in use of credit; and
4. Accounts closed for cause or abuse.
(2) Suspicious documents:
(a) Identification documents that appear to be altered;
(b) Photo and physical description that do not match appearance of applicant;
(c) Other information that is inconsistent with information provided by applicant;
(d) Other information provided by applicant that is inconsistent with information on file; and
(e) The application appears to be altered or destroyed and reassembled.
(3) Suspicious personal identifying information:
(a) Personal information provided by applicant that does not match other sources of information (e.g., credit reports, Social Security number not issued or listed as deceased);
(b) Lack of correlation between the Social Security number range and date of birth;
(c) Information provided is associated with known fraudulent activity (e.g., address or phone number provided is same as that of a fraudulent application);
(d) Information commonly associated with fraudulent activity is provided by applicant (e.g., address that is a mail drop or prison, non-working phone number or phone number associated with answering service/pager);
(e) Social Security number, address or telephone number is the same as that of other customer at utility.
(4) Customer fails to provide all information requested;
(5) Personal information provided is inconsistent with information on file for a customer;
(6) Applicant cannot provide information requested beyond what could commonly be found in a purse, wallet or credit report (e.g., a person who cannot answer a challenge question); and
(7) Identity theft is reported or discovered.
(Ord. 2012-08, passed 12-17-2012)