§ 32.03  MEMBERS; TERMS.
   (A)   The town’s Economic Development Committee shall consist of five members who shall be appointed as follows.
      (1)   The President of the Town Council shall appoint two members who shall serve a term of two years; and one of the two members appointed herein by the President must be a resident who either resides within the corporate municipal boundaries of the town or within one mile of the town’s corporate municipal boundary, and the remaining member appointed by the President of the Town Council must either be a business owner or a designated representative of a business which is located within the town.
      (2)   Three members shall be appointed by the Town Council of which two members must be residents of and reside within the corporate municipal boundaries of the town and the third appointment of the Town Council must either own a business that is located within the town or is a designated representative of a business that is located within the town.
   (B)   The term of office for the members of the Committee appointed by the President of the Town Council shall be for a two-year period, and the term of office for the members appointed by the Town Council shall be for a period of three years.
   (C)   The appointment of members the town’s Economic Development Committee shall be made by the respective appointing entity within 15 days after receiving notice from the Secretary of the Town Council that they are required to make such appointments. At the expiration of the respective initial terms of each of the members originally appointed, their respected successors shall be selected before the expiration of the term in the same manner as the original appointee, and each succeeding member shall serve a term of two years. In the event any person appointed as a member shall fail to accept the appointment hereunder, within ten days after the mailing of notice to him or her of his or her appointment, or if any member after being appointed shall die, resign or vacate such office, a new member shall be selected and appointed to fill such vacancy in the same manner as the member in respect to whom such vacancy occurred, and the member so appointed shall serve the remainder of the vacated term. Members shall hold over after the expiration of their terms until their respective successors have been duly appointed and qualified. Such members shall receive no salaries or remuneration of any kind.
   (D)   The Committee shall elect one of its members as President, one as Vice President, one as Secretary, each of which officers shall serve from the day of his or her election until June 1 next following his or her election and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. In addition to the election of a President, a Vice President and a Secretary, the Committee may also elect a Recording Secretary whose duties and responsibilities shall be to record the minutes of the meetings and to care for and maintain the various records and documents of the Committee.
(Ord. 2009-06, passed 10-19-2009)