(A)   Every person desiring to continue in business after the expiration of the license period shall file an application for renewal not less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the license period. The Clerk-Treasurer may accept an application for renewal after the time specified above if the application is filed before the expiration of the former license; provided, however, that, the license fee in such case shall be the renewal fee, plus 10% thereof. The Clerk-Treasurer may accept an application for renewal filed not more than 60 days after expiration of the former license; provided, however, that, the license fee in such case shall be the renewal fee, plus 25%. The renewal fee shall be $50, plus late fees.
   (B)   Except as otherwise provided by this section, the Clerk-Treasurer shall not accept an application for a renewal of a license which has expired or which for any other reason is not in full force and effect. If a licensee fails to renew his or her license within the time limits set by this section, he or she may apply for a new license; in which case, he or she shall pay the license fee required of first-year licensees.
   (C)   If, on any renewal application, the Clerk-Treasurer has received notice of a change of ownership or a significant change in operation of the business, he or she may set the matter for public hearing. If such matter is set for hearing, the applicant shall be notified by certified mail of the time and date of the hearing, which notification shall be mailed at least ten days prior to the hearing date. In all other cases involving license renewals, such license shall automatically be renewed by the Clerk-Treasurer effective upon expiration of the old license, unless a department or officer of the town recommends denial of, or the imposition of conditions, upon such license, in which case the matter shall be set for public hearing as provided in this section.
(Prior Code, § 6:5:13)  (Ord. 82-34, passed 2-2-1983)