(A)   The parking, stopping or standing of any object or personal property, including motor vehicles, or any other obstruction in established fire lanes on private and public property is and shall be prohibited.
   (B)   Any vehicle or other personal property found to be obstructing a fire lane shall, with the consent of the owner, lessee or other person in possession or control of the real estate where the fire lane has been established, be towed away or removed on the request of Fire Chief or police enforcement officer.
   (C)   The owner of such personal property shall be responsible for all tow-in charges and resulting storage charges, if any, from such violation.
   (D)   To aid in the enforcement of this section, the Fire Chief shall obtain from each property owner, lessee, or person in possession of property covered by this section, an affidavit granting permission and their consent to the towing away of any obstruction or personal property which is obstructing emergency vehicle lanes.
   (E)   The original affidavit from each property owner shall be filed in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office with copies on file in the Fire Chief’s and the Marshal’s offices.
(Prior Code, § 5:4:15)  (Ord. 82-27, passed 1-19-1983)