Pursuant to I.C. 9-4-1-27, local authorities may adopt by ordinance additional traffic regulations with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction so long as they do not conflict with or duplicate the provisions of a statute. If any section or provision of the traffic code duplicates or is in conflict with state statutes, then the state statutes shall prevail and the Marshal and his or her deputies shall enforce the state statute and not the provision or section of the traffic code which may duplicate or be in conflict with the statute. If any term, section or provision of the traffic code in adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in conflict with or a duplication of state statute and in violation of I.C. 9-4-1-27, then the Council shall take corrective action to amend, modify or delete the offending section or provision and to do all things necessary to bring the offending section or provision of the traffic code into compliance with state law (I.C. 9-4-1-27). Any section or provision of the traffic code which has been ruled by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in conflict with or a duplication of state statute and in violation of I.C. 9-4-1-27 shall not affect the remaining terms, provisions, conditions, sections and penalties of the traffic code which shall remain in full force and effect.
(Prior Code, § 4:1:06) (Ord. 82-22, passed 12-31-1982)