(A) Parking on private property without consent prohibited. It shall be unlawful and an offense to make an entry with any vehicle upon real property privately owned or legally occupied by another without such owner’s or occupant’s consent except where such private property is provided as public parking and the general use of such property is not restricted by signs or proper markings to allow parking by customers only.
(Prior Code, § 15-54)
(B) Burden on driver to show permission to park. In all cases where parking (as prohibited by division (A) above) is made and is complained of by the owner or legal occupant of the premises, the burden is put upon the person making the entry to show that permission for such entry was given.
(Prior Code, § 15-55)
(C) Complaint required.
(1) In all instances where there occurs a violation of the provisions of division (A) above, the owner or legal occupant who complains thereof shall sign a complaint against the person parking such vehicle on the owner’s or legal occupant’s property, or if the identity of the person parking the vehicle in violation of the provisions thereof is unknown, the complaint may be filed against the registered owner of the vehicle.
(2) The complaint so filed shall be verified and shall allege that the complainant is the owner or legal occupant of the property upon which such vehicle is parking or standing.
(Prior Code, § 15-56)
(D) Impoundment permitted upon filing complaint. Upon the filing of a complaint, as required by division (C) above, by the property owner or legal occupant and if there appears to be proper cause to believe the provisions of division (A) above have been violated, it shall be the duty of the Police Department to cause the vehicle to be impounded from the property so trespassing and placed in storage.
(Prior Code, § 15-57)
Penalty, see § 130.99