(A) The Mayor or any Trustee may be removed from office for any cause specified by applicable state law for the removal of officers, including 22 O.S. §§ 1181 et seq., as amended. Due process procedures are provided in § 31.04.
(B) Whenever a member of the Town Board of Trustees is absent from more than half of all meetings of said Town Board (regular and special) held within a period of four consecutive months, he or she shall thereupon automatically cease to hold office.
(C) Except for Mayor, vacancies in the membership of the Town Board of Trustees shall be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Town Board. The appointment shall expire at the next general election when a successor is elected and qualified. Such successor shall serve the balance of any unexpired term. If a vacancy has not been filled by appointment within 60 days after it occurs, the Town Board shall call for a special election unless such vacancy occurs within 120 days of a general election.
(Prior Code, § 1-15)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see 11 O.S. §§ 8-107 through 8-109 and 22 O.S. §§ 181 et seq.