(A)   Every person, firm, association, or corporation who engages in an occupation or business for which an itinerant occupation license is required shall pay the tax and secure a separate license for each such business or occupation.
   (B)   Every holder of an itinerant occupation license shall carry the license and shall display it to any person who requests to see it.
   (C)   Whenever an itinerant occupation license has been lost or destroyed without any wrongful act or connivance by the holder, the Town Clerk, on application, may issue a duplicate license for the unexpired time. Before the duplicate is issued, the holder shall make and file with said Town Clerk an affidavit that the license has not been transferred, that it has been lost or destroyed without any wrongful act or connivance by the holder, and that, if believed lost, he or she has made a diligent search for it and has not been able to find it. The fee for every duplicate license issued shall be $3.
   (D)   No person, firm, association, or corporation to whom an itinerant occupation license has been issued shall conduct or pursue the business or occupation for which such license is issued at any time on a Sunday or holiday or between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. on the following day or on any day unless expressly authorized by the Town Board.
(Prior Code, § 5-12) Penalty, see § 110.99