(A)   Defacing property. No person shall write upon or mark or deface in any manner or use in any improper way any water closet, park seat, building, fence, or other property in any park.
(Prior Code, § 17-11)
   (B)   Driving in parks. No person shall drive or ride upon the grass or footways or walks or elsewhere in a town park other than upon the roads provided for the use of automobiles and other vehicles.
(Prior Code, § 17-12)
   (C)   Speed. No person shall drive or ride at a greater rate of speed than 20 mph within any town park.
(Prior Code, § 17-13)
   (D)   Injuring trees and the like. No person shall break, cut, mutilate, injure, remove, or carry away any trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, stone, stone walk, bench, chair, seat, bower, stand, structure, fence, property, or anything whatsoever in, upon, or near any park or any street, avenue, or highway around the same.
(Prior Code, § 17-14)
   (E)   Nuisance or indecency. No person shall commit any nuisance or any offense against decency and good morals in the parks.
(Prior Code, § 17-15)
   (F)   Throwing stone or rubbish. No person shall throw stones or rubbish of any kind into any lake or pond or stream or other place in the parks except into receptacles designated for that purpose.
(Prior Code, § 17-16)
   (G)   Molesting animals. No person shall chase, kill, set snares for, pet, or tease any rabbit, squirrel, bird, fish, or any other animal or thing belonging to the parks or kept therein.
(Prior Code, § 17-17)
   (H)   Bill posting. No person shall paste, affix, or inscribe any handbill, poster, card, device, or inscription to or upon or against any fence, structure, or property of or on any park, highway, street, or avenue surrounding the same.
(Prior Code, § 17-18)
   (I)   Disorderly behavior. No person shall curse, swear, or use abusive language or fight, throw stones, or behave in a riotous or disorderly manner in any park.
(Prior Code, § 17-19)
   (J)   License for selling. No person shall set up any booth, table, stand, or other device for vending or retailing any candies, ice cream, or other articles whatsoever without first obtaining permission therefor from the Mayor and Board.
(Prior Code, § 17-20)
   (K)   Fouling water. No person shall foul in any manner any pool, spring, drinking fountain, or stream in any park.
(Prior Code, § 17-21)
   (L)   Hitching animals. No person shall fasten any horse, cow, or other animal to any tree, stake, building, post, or other fastening in any park.
(Prior Code, § 17-22)
   (M)   Trespassing. No person shall go or walk upon any space in the parks reserved for flowers or other plants or otherwise invade any plot reserved by the town for shrubbery, grass, or flowers or for any other purposes.
(Prior Code, § 17-24)
   (N)   Disturbing picnics. No person shall disturb or interfere with any picnic or social gathering or program of any group or persons in any town park.
(Prior Code, § 17-25)
   (O)   Domestic fowls at large. No person shall permit any domestic fowls to run at large in the parks.
(Prior Code, § 17-26)
Penalty, see § 96.99