No owner, operator, or occupant of any premises shall maintain, or shall suffer or permit the maintenance, at or on the exterior property areas of such premises any condition which deteriorates or debases the appearance of the area or neighborhood within which the premises is located, which alters or affects adversely the appearance or general character of the neighborhood, or which creates a fire, safety, or health hazard, or is a public nuisance, including, but not limited to:
(A) Broken or dilapidated fences, walls, or other structures or improvements;
(B) Unused or unusable appliances, motor vehicles, or motor vehicle parts, junk, rubbish, or refuse;
(C) Broken, dilapidated, or unusable furniture, mattresses, broken glass, plastic materials, paints, miscellaneous coverings, rugs, rags, or other material hung on lines or other household items not designed for outdoor usage; and
(D) Any other material or items which contribute to neighborhood blight.
(Ord. 2009-23, passed 9-8-2009) Penalty, see § 93.99