(A) Any animal which, by biting, chasing, habitually barking, howling, yelping, snapping at, or impeding pedestrians, bicyclists, or vehicles, regularly interfering with, or attacking persons or other animals, (other than those coming upon its owner’s property without permission), or in any way or manner, injuring or disturbing the quiet of the community, or endangering the comfort or health of persons, is hereby declared to be committing a nuisance.
(B) For purposes of this subchapter, those dogs which are habitually barking, howling, or yelping must do so for a period of more than five minutes and must be plainly audible from a distance of 100 feet from the premises whereupon the dog is kept in order to constitute a nuisance as defined by this section. No owner or harborer of such animal shall harbor or permit it to commit such nuisance.
(Ord. 2008-3, passed 2-4-2008) Penalty, see § 92.04