(A)   Street section and right-of-way requirements.
      (1)   The principal arterial and parkway roadways are shown in the Lost Dutchman Heights Concept Plan prepared for Arizona State Land Department, a copy of which is on file in the development services department. The streets are detailed in Apache Junction Standard Details AJ-20.4 and AJ-20.5 and include 10-foot meandering sidewalks and raised landscaped medians.
      (2)   The remaining street sections are detailed in Apache Junction Standard Details AJ-20.1 through AJ-20.4.
   (B)   Utility locations.
      (1)   No utilities shall be constructed under the pavement areas in the principal and parkway section streets except to cross intersections.
      (2)   The utility locations shall be:
         (a)   The sewer and water locations shall be on opposite sides of the roadway between the back of curb and sidewalk (see Standard Details AJ-20.9 and AJ-20.10).
         (b)   The other utilities (gas, telephone, cable TV and the like) shall be located between the sidewalk and right-of-way line (see Standard Details AJ-20.9 and AJ-20.10).
   (C)   Street lights. The street lights for the principal arterial and parkway street sections shall be double-masted and mounted in the median.
   (D)   Stormwater management.
      (1)   There are a number of large washes that traverse the Lost Dutchman Heights area including two FEMA “floodplain” designated washes (Weekes Wash and Siphon Draw). All streets crossing these washes will need to have a method of conveying the 100-year storm runoff under the streets, and provide for overtopping of larger storm events to be contained within the crossing.
      (2)   On-site area stormwater management will need to meet the requirements of Apache Junction City Code Vol. II, Engineering Standards, Article 10-4 of this Chapter.
      (3)   A number of washes in the Lost Dutchman Heights area have been designated “Waters of the U.S.” and may require an Army Corps of Engineers “404 Permit” to develop within or adjacent to these designated washes.