(A)   Manual changeable message signs.
      (1)   Maximum size. Fifty percent (50%) of the maximum size allowed for the freestanding/monument sign.
      (2)   Maximum height. In accordance with allowed freestanding/monument signs.
      (3)   Maximum quantity. One changeable message sign per property to be incorporated into the permitted freestanding/monument sign.
      (4)   Location. Minimum 5 foot front, side and rear setback. The freestanding sign setback shall also comply with the city's intersection visibility requirements in Vol. II, § 1-6-13.
      (5)   Zoning districts where allowed. All non-residential zoning districts.
      (6)   Design. The changeable letter sign shall be incorporated into a decorative monument base.
      (7)   Commercial message content. The commercial message displayed on the sign shall directly relate to the business or businesses conducted on-site.
      (8)   Illumination. Signs may be illuminated.
      (9)   Permit required. AUP.
   (B)   Electronic changeable message signs.
      (1)   Maximum size. Fifty percent (50%) of the maximum size allowed for the freestanding/monument sign.
      (2)   Maximum height. In accordance with allowed freestanding/monument signs.
      (3)   Maximum quantity. One changeable electronic message sign per property to be incorporated into the permitted freestanding/monument sign.
      (4)   Location. Minimum 5 foot front, side and rear setback. The freestanding sign setback shall also comply with the city's intersection visibility requirements in Vol. II, § 1-6-13.
      (5)   Zoning districts where allowed. All non-residential zoning districts.
      (6)   Display. Displays may use full color and animation, however, no flashing, rotating or strobe effects shall be allowed.
      (7)   Design. The digital sign shall be incorporated into a decorative monument base.
      (8)   Minimum display time. Static images shall last for at least 5 seconds before transitioning to another static message.
      (9)   Transition method and duration. Such electronic message sign shall be limited to static displays, messages that appear or disappear from the display through dissolve, fade, travel, scroll or similar transitions and frame effects that have text, animated graphics or images that appear to move or change in size, or be revealed sequentially rather than all at once. The transition duration between messages shall not exceed 1 second.
      (10)   Commercial message content. The commercial message displayed on the electronic/digital sign shall directly relate to the business or businesses conducted on-site.
      (11)   Illumination levels.
         (a)   All electronic message signs shall come equipped with automatic dimming technology which automatically adjusts the sign's brightness in direct correlation with ambient light conditions.
         (b)   No electronic message sign shall exceed a brightness level of 0.3 foot candles above ambient light as measured using a foot candle (Lux) meter at a preset distance depending on sign area. The measurement distance shall be calculated with the following formula: The square root of the product of the sign area and 100. Example using a 12 square foot sign:
            Light Meter Measurement Distance = Square Root of (12 sf x 100) = 34.6 feet.
      (12)   Permit required. AUP.
   (C)   Political and campaign signs.
      (1)   Maximum size. Sixteen square feet on residentially zoned property and 32 square feet on non-residentially zoned property and city rights-of-way.
      (2)   Maximum height. Six feet.
      (3)   Maximum quantity. No limit.
      (4)   Location. Political signs placed in public rights-of-way shall not be hazardous to public safety, obstruct clear vision in the area or interfere with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as determined by the City Engineer.
         (a)   If the City Engineer deems that the placement of a political sign constitutes an emergency, city representatives may immediately relocate the sign. The city shall notify the candidate or campaign committee that placed the sign within 24 hours after the relocation.
         (b)   If a sign is placed in violation of this section and the placement is not deemed to constitute an emergency, the city may notify the candidate or campaign committee that installed the sign. If the sign remains in violation at least 24 hours after the city notified the candidate or campaign committee, the city may remove the sign and shall contact the candidate or campaign committee to retrieve the sign within 10 business days. After such time, the signs may be disposed of as the city deems fit.
      (5)   Zoning districts where allowed. All zoning districts.
      (6)   Display period. Political signs may be posted any time before a primary election, but must be removed within 15 calendar days after a primary election for candidates who do not advance to the general election. All candidate signs must be removed within 15 days after the general election.
      (7)   Information. The sign shall contain the name and telephone number of the candidate or campaign committee contact person.
      (8)   Illumination. Signs shall not be illuminated.
      (9)   Permit required. No.
   (D)   Vehicle signs.
      (1)   Sign location on vehicle. Vehicle signs may be placed along the body surface of the vehicle by means of painting, decal, magnetic attachment or adhesive vinyl film, or may be attached and secured to the body or bed of the vehicle in a manner deemed legal by the Arizona Department of Transportation for licensed street use.
      (2)   Maximum size.
         (a)   Signs attached by painting, decal, adhesive and magnetic signs. The maximum size of these signs, which are self-attached to the vehicle, is limited to the surface area of the vehicle's body (i.e., hood, doors, fenders, and truck box).
         (b)   Signs attached with hardware. The maximum size of these signs shall not exceed 15 square feet in size or extend higher than 2 feet above the top of vehicle.
      (3)   Vehicle parking. The vehicle shall be licensed and operable for use on a public road, and shall be parked within an approved parking space on the property of the business it is advertising. Vehicles with attached signs shall not be located in a manner that interferes with visual or physical access to adjacent businesses.
      (4)   Zoning districts where allowed. All non-residential zoning districts.
      (5)   Illumination. Signs shall not be illuminated.
      (6)   Permit required. No.
   (E)   Billboards.
      (1)   New billboards. No billboards shall be erected within the city limits, including along the freeway.
      (2)   Existing billboards. Existing billboards may be required to be removed as a condition of rezoning, subdivision plat or CUP approval.
      (3)   Illumination. Billboards with existing external illumination deemed legal non-conforming by the Zoning Administrator shall be allowed. No new internal or external lighting of billboards shall be allowed.
      (4)   Compliance with state law. All existing billboard signs shall comply with applicable provision of A.R.S. §§ 9-461, et. seq.
(Ord. 1402, passed 5-6-2014)