§ 1-8-1 INTENT.
   (A)   Create aesthetically pleasing views and vistas along public streets.
   (B)   Complement and enhance the functional and aesthetic design of new buildings and site development projects.
   (C)   Provide visual screening of parking, service and storage areas.
   (D)   Mitigate the adverse impacts of higher intensity land uses upon lower intensity uses through landscape buffers.
   (E)   Promote water conservation by restricting the use of turf and ornamental water features and requiring the use of low water use plant materials.
   (F)   Promote climate modifications for enhancement of pedestrian environments at street frontages, parking lots and building façade.
   (G)   Provide maximum shade on ground surfaces to reduce the urban heat island effect.
(Ord. 1402, passed 5-6-2014)